Chapter 18

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'Honey, wake up,' Taylor's voice filtered through my sleep-addled brain though it took a few seconds for me to register how panicked she sounded.

'What's wrong?' I asked as my eyes sprung open, and I reached out to touch her face, for what reason I didn't quite know, perhaps to make sure she still had her face. Damn, I was so tired and hungover. I groaned as my head instantly started throbbing.

'I heard a scream; that's what woke me,' she whispered, sounding a little spooked as her hand covered mine that was on her cheek. 'Do you think we're being robbed?'

I went to open my mouth when a loud crash followed by a bang cut me off. I didn't really think about what I was doing as I jumped out of bed, picked up Taylor's lamp from the bedside table, and ran into the hallway. I could hear shouting coming from the guest room; once I got to the room, I burst through the door, lamp in hand, and ready to smack anyone who got in my way. Nobody would get away with robbing my girlfriend.

'Oh fucking hell, my eyes,' yelled someone who sounded a lot like Austin. I had forgotten he'd stayed here last night. Why was he lying on the floor?

I immediately slammed my eyes shut as I felt my cheeks flush. That was my girlfriends brother I had just flashed.

'Jesus, Kloss, why the fuck are you naked?' Right, that was Shirley's very high-pitched voice. Well, this was just great, wasn't it? And if that wasn't bad enough.

'Oh gross, I think I'm going to vomit.' Yep, that was Louis. Fantastic. I knew it was coming, but still, I didn't expect his words to be that harsh.

'Dude, stop fucking staring; that's my sister-in-law or whatever. Taylor will kill you,' I opened my eyes just in time to see Austin who had his back to me slap Zayn across the side of the head, whilst Harry and Louis, who were only in their underwear, had their eyes closed, thank god.

I heard an uncontrollable giggle from behind me, and I whipped my head around to see Taylor with her hand over her mouth, looking very not naked wearing a New York Knicks jersey that she had stolen from me and fluffy slippers.

I felt a smile tugged at my lips as I remembered the morning that she had first worn it. She had snuck into my apartment the night before. I had been at my new office where I was going to be running my coding camp from, and I wasn't sure when I would get finished as I'd had a lot to do. I had texted her and said that I wouldn't be able to make the dinner we had planned for that night. I texted her again when I got in but it was past midnight so I assumed she would be asleep. She has been working hard to finish her album, and I knew that week was important for her as she was recording the last of the songs on the deluxe album. I hadn't expected a text back much less for her to turn up at my apartment at 1am but she did.

That night we had fallen into bed together and almost went straight to sleep. It had been the first night since we'd gotten back together that we didn't have sex, and while I loved out intimate moments, lying, cuddling and talking about our day was something that I adored just as much.

The next morning we had gotten up late and we're rushing around. Taylor said she would cook breakfast while I grabbed a shower because I had an early meeting. Only she looked so sexy standing cooking in that same shirt, that I couldn't keep my hands off her. I fucked her on the kitchen counter and we ended up eating burnt toast for breakfast, I was also late for my meeting but It had been totally worth it.

Taylor moved past me and into the room. 'Would you like to put this on, baby?' She asked with a smirk as she held out a robe for me to take but not before she ran her eyes over every inch of my body. 'So fit and hot,' she purred with a wink.

I scowled at her before I snatched it out of her hand, handed her the lamp and stepped into the hallway to put the robe on. I was highly embarrassed that my best friend, his boyfriend, my girlfriend's brother and, his boyfriend- probably, had just seen me in all my naked glory.

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