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Karlie's Pov: 

My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone flop onto the bed beside me. I snapped them shut again a few seconds later as the bright light from the open curtains shone in my eyes, basically blinding me. Rolling over with a groan, I buried my face into my pillow. I felt like I'd had no sleep, and my body was aching all over. 

'You can't hide in here all day,' laughed Cara from where she was lying next to me on the bed. Seriously, why was she so chipper? She had been the drunkest out of all of us. Surely, she should be hungover too. 

It was then that the memories of last night flooded my mind, and I groaned for an entirely different reason. Last night had been such a mess, and I was probably never going to be able to face Taylor again, or Josh for that matter. I had majorly fucked up and let my emotions rule my actions, and I really couldn't see any way I could fix things. 

The whole situation was beyond confusing for me; I had been more than thrilled once I'd found out that Taylor would be at Ellen's party. We had been texting every day since we met two months ago. She quickly became my best friend and the only person I was interested in talking to. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, I was barely even admitting it to myself, but I had developed some more than friendly feelings towards her that had knocked me for six. 

I had never been attracted to women before. However, that had certainly changed once I set eyes on the beautiful, blue-eyed, blonde bombshell that was Taylor Swift. I could remember the first time I touched her, and it wasn't even anything special, just a brush of our hands, but the emotions it brought me were overwhelming; it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It was scary, but it was also exhilarating. 

That night I had gone home on a high, excited about my newfound friendship and curious to see where it would lead. It wasn't until the next day, when Josh had turned up, and I was reminded of the fact that I was straight and had a very real boyfriend who loved me and who I loved just as much in return, that I came back down to earth. 

I had pushed my attraction to Taylor to the back of my mind; reasoning that it was just a silly crush and Taylor was just as straight as I was, she had dated Harry Styles not so long ago, plus it was very unlikely that we'd bump into each other again. Yeah, Taylor had sworn that she would text me and we'd arrange a meetup, but she was an international superstar; she probably said that to everyone. There was no way she'd take time out of her busy life just to keep up a friendship with some model she had met once and probably didn't remember. 

Taylor had proven me wrong a few days later when she texted me out of the blue, apologising for not being in touch sooner but explaining that she had typed my number wrong, so she'd had to call around a few of her friends until she found one that had my contact details. She had also joked that her next step was turning up in New York with a sign and hoping that I somehow saw it. The whole text had melted my heart, and all those feelings I felt when I'd first met her came flooding back. I pushed them down, though, by reminding myself that I had Josh and that Taylor was straight; she had never shown any indication that she liked women. She had only ever publicly dated men; my crush would fade, I was sure of it. 

We texted back and forth for two months. At first, the messages just consisted of mundane things like talking about work and food; we both loved cooking, well I enjoyed baking more, but Taylor liked to cook proper meals and promised when we eventually met up again that she would cook me the most extravagant meal I could dream of. Our texts eventually progressed into deeper topics; she confided in me about how much she loathed the paparazzi, and I told her how modelling wasn't my true passion but rather a stepping stone on the way to my real dream of teaching young girls how to code; computer science was something I was fascinated with. We talked about our families and shared stories from our childhoods. Sometimes our texts were borderline flirty, but I'd never read too much into them because I had already convinced myself that my crush was one-sided, and I was adamant that it would fizzle out over time. 

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