Chapter 16 (Part 1)

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'Karlie, that banner isn't straight. A little more to your left, no, too far,' said Taylor sounding highly stressed. It had been a month since the night we'd decided to give our relationship another go and things with us were better than they ever had been.

Though you probably wouldn't be able to tell that if you walked into Taylor's apartment right now because my beautiful girlfriend, who I adored more than anything else in the world, looked like she was about to end my entire existence.

I stepped down from the ladder I had been standing on and moved behind her, resting my hands on her shoulders. She was extremely tense. 'Baby, I think you need to take a breather,' I said gently as I started massaging the knots I could feel under my hands.

Taylor let out a low moan as my fingers worked their magic on her shoulders before she shook her head. 'No, Kar, I can't. I want tonight to be perfect. Harry and Louis are trusting us to make sure everything goes smoothly, and we won't let them down,' she said as she shrugged off my touch and turned to face me.

I gripped her hips and pulled her closer, causing her to smile as her arms wrapped around my neck. 'Lou actually doesn't care. He only cares that everyone gets here on time, and by the end of the night, they can't walk. Only you and Harry need everything to be perfect, because you're both major control freaks,' I told her playfully with a knowing smirk.

'I'm not a control freak all of the time,' Taylor defended herself with a cheeky smile that made my heart soar. 'I give up control when it matters, don't I?' She asked in a voice far too innocent for what I knew she was referring to while her fingers played with the hairs on the back of my neck as she gazed into my eyes.

Instead of answering her, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against her own as one of my hands snuck up the long sweater she was wearing for some skin-to-skin contact. 'Do you want to give up control now?' I asked huskily into her ear before I nipped at the lobe, causing her to whimper softly.

'I want to,' she answered breathily as my lips trailed a hot path down her neck, 'but we haven't got time. There are only seven hours until everyone gets here.' I chuckled into her throat before I gripped the backs of her thighs and picked her up. 'Karlie, no hickey's,' she groaned as I sucked on the skin at the base of her throat.

'We can spare an hour for some Taylor and Karlie time,' I told her as I carried her into her bedroom and dropped her on the bed, causing her to giggle as she bounced a few times. 'Everything is almost dome, and I think my princess needs to de-stress,' I said in a voice that she knew not to argue with.

I lay down beside her on my side and pulled her leg over my hip before I moved my hand to her ass and caressed it gently, causing her to moan softly. 'One hour, Karlie,' she told me seriously as her fingers skirted gently up my bare side, making me shudder in pleasure.

'How do you want it?' I gave her a choice because while I was the dominant one in our sex life, I knew that Taylor sometimes was in a certain mood for something, and nothing else would cut it. Do you want my tongue, my fingers, our strap?' Her eyes darkened as I said the last words, and I assumed that's what she would ask for.

Taylor fiddled with the waistband of my workout shorts, and she looked into my eyes. 'I want your fingers, soft and slow, baby,' she told me, her voice low and throaty, telling me exactly how turned on she was. 'But tonight, after everyone has left, I want you to pin me down and fuck me hard and fast with our strap. I want you to use me and show me who I belong to,' she moaned as I let out a growl at her words.

'Clothes off,' I commanded as I moved away from her so she could do what I asked. I watched as she sat up and pulled off her sweatshirt, she wasn't wearing a bra, and I licked my lips as I gazed heatedly at her perfect breasts and hardened nipples.

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