Chapter 10

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Taylor's POV:

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, my eyes were snapping open due to some very loud noises that seemed to be coming from outside of my hotel room. I rolled over and reached for my phone before remembering that Ed still had it; letting out a sigh, I brought up my hand so I could look at my watch. 

'8 am,' I groaned as the noise outside seemed to get louder. Were they arguing out there? I sat up and rubbed my hands over my face before I stretched and let out a yawn. Hold on; I stilled as I heard a voice I was sure I recognized. It was Ed's voice and he sounded really mad. 

I quickly jumped out of bed and made my way to the door before I pulled it open. Yep, it was definitely Ed standing further down the hallway with his back to me. He was raising his voice at someone, but I couldn't see who it was due to the two big men standing on either side of him. 

I moved a little further down the hallway to see if I could hear what they were saying. Ed very rarely lost his temper so it must have been something bad. I was about a foot away when I heard Tree's voice. 

'I can't allow this, Mr. Sheeran. It was not approved by me first, so I haven't had time to prepare. I'm sorry, but they'll have to go home.' Her voice rose in volume, 'You should have never arranged this without Taylor's consent; it was a very foolish not to mention impulsive decision, and frankly, you should know better,' I heard her tell him in that stern tone that she used when she was disappointed in my actions. 

There was an influx of voices that made me realize there were more people involved than just Ed and Tree. It sounded like they were trying to defend Ed, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying. 

'Miss Swift, is everything okay?' I heard Joe ask from behind me. Where had he come from? And who were the two men blocking my view? I had thought at least one of them was Joe. 

'I don't know, but we're about to find out, ' I said as I took a few steps forward until I was just behind Ed. 'What exactly didn't I consent to?' I asked, making him jump. 

'For fuck sake Taylor,' he shouted, making me snort loudly. I opened my mouth to reply when my attention was caught by another voice that had me thinking I was hallucinating. 

'Taylor!' Yelled a voice that sounded suspiciously like Karlie's, but that couldn't be right, there was no way, how would she have even gotten here and she would have told me right? It had only been twenty-four hours since I'd last spoken to her, and she was supposed to be with Josh. 

'I would let her through unless you want a riot on your hands,' said Ed as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Tree probably. 

I craned my neck to try and see, but the men in front of me were like giants. 'Let who through?' I asked, now trying to push through the wall of security  Jesus, why were they so big and tall? 'Joe, a little help, please,' I yelled over my shoulder. 

Joe was right beside me a second later, pushing both men out of the way and giving me a clear view of who they'd been hiding. And to my utter astonishment and absolute delight, Karlie was standing right there in the flesh only a few feet away.

I didn't have time to think about what I was doing as I took off in a run towards her, causing her face to split into the biggest grin I had ever seen as she opened her arms for me. It took me mere seconds to reach her and I immediately jumped up into her arms believing with every fiber of my being that she would catch me which of course she did, making me wrap my legs around her waist as I buried my face in her neck and she held me as close to her as she could. 

I could hear raised voices around us but I didn't care about any of them, all I cared about was my beautiful, amazing, sweet Giraffe who was made out of pure sunshine and whose arms I wanted to stay in for the rest of my life. 

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