Chapter 17 (Part 2)

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A/N: Sorry about the long wait things have been hetic. Also, thank you for all the votes and comments. They're very motivating :) this is a direct continuation from the last chapter so you might want to read that one again.


The house was silent after Liam's departure, seemingly, no one had any idea what to say and were too busy standing observing the mess on the floor that consisted of cake, champagne and water.

'Do you at least have a maid?' Toni was the first person to speak. Everyone's eyes snapped towards her, but no one answered and then suddenly, Cherry, of all people, broke down into laughter which started everyone else off.

'As it happens, I do, and ironically tomorrow is the day she comes by, at least I'll actually be paying her for something,' I replied through my laughter.

Unsurprisingly it was Cara who picked up a chunk of cake and pushed it into Ed's face, which then started a cake fight. Karlie tried her best to shield my body, but she ended up tripping over Jen, who was crawling along the floor laughing while trying to get away from Lily, who had a hold of her foot in one hand, trying to pull her towards her and a piece of cake in the other.

'There's cake in my ear; I think I've gone deaf,' she was yelling, obviously due to the cake in her ear that I was assuming Jen put there.

I felt someone jump on my back and turned my head to see that it was Zayn, only to have cake shoved into my mouth as Austin came out from nowhere; obviously, they had teamed up. They high-fived each other as I spat the cake out before I saw Karlie and Louis wrestling on the floor.

'Karlie, ow, Jesus, why are you so strong?' Louis yelped as Karlie managed to pin him down by sitting on his stomach. 'Not the nipple twist, shit, Kloss, I'm sorry,' he cried as she pinched his nipple through his shirt.

'That's what you get for being a sneaky little double-crosser, Louis William Tomlinson; you are no longer my best friend forever,' Louis let out a gasp which made Karlie smirk, 'Nail is my new right-hand man and it's him that I'm going to take to the tea tasting place that I booked for you as a surprise,' she added smugly.

'You take that back, Kloss,' Louis growled, sounding highly offended as he grabbed hold of her face. 'Or I'll ask Ed to be my best man instead of you,' he yelled, loudly making everyone stop what they were doing and turn towards them.

'You want me to be your best man?' Karlie asked in shocked awe and I could hear the emotion in her voice. She was about to cry.

Louis smiled at her softly, his own eyes shining with unshed tears. 'Of course, who else would I ask? You're my best friend, no one else here would have booked me in for a day of tea tasting, I wasn't even aware that something like that existed,' he let out a chuckle that was full of emotion.

'Okay, you win; you can be my best friend again,' said Karlie with tears now streaming down her face before she rolled off him and stood up. She stuck out her hand for him to grab which he did before she pulled him to his feet and embraced him in a tight hug as we all clapped and congratulated her.

I was happy for her; she and Louis had built up such a strong friendship in the short months that they'd known each other. People thought it was an odd pairing; there had been multiple articles written about them since she had turned up at his show last month, most of them suspecting them of having an affair but some of them believing it was just the friendship that it was. We had laughed about them and neither of them had made any statements to either deny or confirm the rumours, though I knew from experience that it wouldn't be long before they were forced to do exactly that.

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