Chapter 7

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We were four days into our road trip, and things were going well. We had managed to keep things platonic, well, for the most part anyway. We hadn't kissed or had sex, but there had been a lot of cuddling and just generally being affectionate with each other.

I wasn't going to say there hadn't been any close calls either, because there had, but one of us always remembered the boundaries I'd set before we crossed the line. Overall, though, the whole experience so far had been nothing short of incredible; Karlie and I had become closer than ever, and I was starting to feel a little sad that it would be ending soon and I'd have to go three months without seeing her since we'd mutually decided that she would use that time to figure out things with herself and Josh. 

We had decided to spend the rest of our time at Big Sur in the cabin, which was only tonight, and tomorrow we would start the drive home. We had managed to avoid alcohol for the entirety of the trip, but Karlie had suggested we get a bottle of wine tonight and watch a few movies. I had agreed though I was worried about the effect it would have on me; I was already sexually frustrated enough as it was, and obviously, I hadn't been able to do anything about it since we'd been sharing a bed.

 I could imagine Karlie wasn't fairing much better; I had seen how she looked at me when I'd gotten out of the shower this morning. I had been fully prepared for her to pounce on me, but she'd managed to control herself, which I shouldn't have been disappointed by, but as it turned out, I was. 

I knew that if she tried anything, it wouldn't take me long to cave, that was if I even put up a fight in the first place. I was also worried that it would actually be me that would come on to her, and I knew for a fact that she would give in right away; I had quickly learned that it was near impossible for her to say no to me, and while it could be used to my advantage for some things I would never want that to be one of them. 

'Hey, what has you thinking so hard?' Karlie asked as she came to sit beside me on the bed. She had just finished putting our bags in the car, ready for us to leave in the morning. I shuffled closer to her and lay my head on her chest; she habitually wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer before dropping a kiss on my head. 

I was aware of how domesticated the whole thing was, and I was sure she did, too; however, we had both chosen to ignore it and just enjoy it for what it was. 

'I'm just a bit sad that we're going home tomorrow, and then I have to leave for the tour,' I said solemnly as I played with her fingers that were resting on her stomach. 

Karlie rolled us over, so we were face to face. 'You know we probably wouldn't have seen much of each other anyway; I'm swamped during those months too. I think I only have like four weekends off, and I'll be in Australia for like a full three weeks next month, then I have a wedding in Cuba the month after, which is a week-long celebration,' she explained though I was sure she was only trying to make me feel better. 

'Who's wedding?' I asked curiously. She had never mentioned a wedding to me until now, and before we'd discussed our situation and I'd decided that we couldn't be more than friends, I had planned on flying her out to me or flying home when I could. It was probably best that that wouldn't be happening now since it seemed like she wouldn't have had time anyway. 

'A friend of Josh's, he's one of the groomsmen. I've only met the groom a handful of times, but Josh and he have been friends since college,' she answered, and I could sense the hesitance at mentioning Josh's name. 

'You're allowed to talk about him, Kar. He is your boyfriend; after all,' I told her with an eye roll. 

'I know,' she replied with a sigh. 'It just feels awkward, like, I know you dislike him, Tay, and I understand, so I'd rather just not talk about him.' 

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