Chapter 14

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I snuggled deeper into the warmth surrounding me as I let out a contented sigh. I had slept better than I had in weeks, and it was a refreshing change. The bed below me felt so soft and comfortable; it was like sleeping on a fluffy cloud. It took me a few seconds to realise that this wasn't my bed, and when I did, my eyes flew open. 

'Shit,' I whispered harshly as I looked up to see Taylor's serene face as she slept peacefully under me. I'd totally forgotten that I'd come into her room last night, and now we were just a mess of tangled limbs. 

My head was on her chest, and my face was in the crook of her neck while her arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. One of her legs was slotted between my thighs, and her knee pressed softly against my core. I suddenly had the urge to grind against it as I remembered that I didn't get off last night; I couldn't do that, though, could I? 

No! Because Taylor and I weren't together, regardless of what happened last night. I had chosen to leave things the way they were, and I had to stick to that decision. There was no way for us to be together while I was still involved with Josh and his family, and I couldn't justify lying to him again. 

I set about gently untangling myself from Taylor's hold which was actually a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. She really didn't want to let go of me, which was actually really bittersweet; it warmed my heart to know that she was subconsciously trying to hold onto me, but it also made it ache with sadness when I found myself wondering if she had ever clutched onto Ella that way. 

I managed to slip out of bed without waking Taylor before I moved to her bathroom to take a shower. I realised once I was in the shower as the hot spray of water cascaded over my aching body that I could have just used the bathroom in the guest bedroom. 

I was busy washing my hair when the shower door opened. 'Karlie,' screeched Taylor, presumably in fright, making me jump, which caused me to lose my footing and fall backwards as I scrambled for something to hold on to. 

'What are you doing in here?' Taylor asked throatily, her voice still riddled with sleep as she took hold of my arms to steady me. 

'Taking a shower, obviously,' I answered distractedly as my eyes roved greedily over her naked body. I would never get over how beautiful she was, and I felt my own body heat up as I noticed a small littering of purple bruises on the insides of her thighs that I had left last night. 

'My eyes are up here,' she replied, and the amusement was evident in her voice, making me blush as I snapped my own eyes to her face almost instantly.  

'Sorry,' I said sheepishly before my eyes flicked to where she still had a tight grip on my arms. 'I didn't think you'd wake up so soon; you seemed pretty out of it.' 

I looked up and smirked as I noticed that she was now checking me out; I watched as she bit down on her bottom lip sexily as her eyes drank in every inch of my bared body. 'I have an early meeting with Scott; I told you that last night,' she said before her gaze travelled slowly back up my body. 

'I thought you were just saying that because you were mad at me,' I answered with a raised eyebrow as her eyes eventually met my own. 

Taylor gave me a coy smile which surprisingly held absolutely no embarrassment considering she had just been caught ogling me. 'I was mad at you, but I wasn't lying, I really do have a meeting in an hour, so if you could go and shower in the guest room, that would be fantastic,' she replied before she let go of my arms and took a step back. 

'I'm not leaving; I'll only be another few minutes; you can wait in the bedroom until I'm done,' I said with a chuckle before I turned back around and reached for the shampoo. It was clear she was still mad if she was asking me to leave the bathroom in the middle of my shower so she could use it instead. 

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