Chapter 11

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'Taylor, we need to talk about what you said yesterday,' my dad declared as we walked down the country lane in Hampshire, London. 

I had on a pair of jeans, a dark hoodie with its hood up, a beanie and a pair of sunglasses. It was sometimes ridiculous the lengths I had to go to just to make sure no one would recognise me, but I guess it was worth it if it meant I could have a peaceful early morning walk with my father. 

'I said a lot of things yesterday, dad. So, you'll have to be more specific,' I joked in a light tone, hoping it would relieve some of the tension around us.

I had a feeling he was still upset with me over what he had learned yesterday about Karlie and I. I realised now that I may have said something that I probably shouldn't have in front of my parents but my emotions were all over yesterday and I wasn't thinking clearly, and I don't think Karlie was either. 

'You basically said you would throw your career away for a woman you only met a few short months ago, and who already has a long term partner,' he responded evenly, though I could tell it was taking a lot of self control for him to stay calm. 'Taylor you have to understand how utterly reckless that sounds, your mother and I are worried about you.' 

I did say that, and while I had admitted to myself that my feelings for Karlie ran deeper than what I first suspected, after thinking about it rationally, I also knew that the situation was far too complicated for me to be making those kinds of declarations even in the heat of the moment. 

'Dad, I understand your concerns and maybe I spoke hastily yesterday by saying that Karlie would always come first; I was overwhelmed and I wasn't thinking rationally, and I can imagine she wasn't either. However, even without the more intimate aspects of our relationship, she is still my best friend and I still don't want to have to choose between her and my career.' 

I heard my dad let out a loud sigh, and I felt bad for causing him stress, but I wasn't budging on this one. I needed Karlie in my life, getting rid of her wasn't an option at this point. 

'The Kushner family aren't the type of people you want to be making enemies with, they have connections and can make your life very difficult if you cross them.' I rolled my eyes, why was he talking about them like they were one of those mob boss families from the godfather? It was absurd. 

My father stopped walking causing me to also halt my steps as he turned to face me looking extremely serious. 'Miss Kloss seems like a genuine, sweet person and I don't even think she's fully aware of who she's involved with. She was what? Nineteen when they met?' He asked, to which I nodded, wondering where he was going with this.

'Yes, and he was 26, what's your point?' I asked, starting to get a little annoyed with the conversation but also wanting to know what he had to say. 

'Still so young, naive and easy to manipulate, especially if she believes this man saved her from the horrors of the modelling world.' I raised my eyebrow, questioning how he knew that but he ignored me and carried on. 

'Taylor, I'm afraid you're both being foolish if you think he's just going to let her walk away from him and let her live happily ever after with you. He would be humiliated, not only would he have been cheated on and left, but it would be with a woman of all people. I don't need to tell you that sexism, misogyny and homophobia are still a big problem even in this day and age, and the Kushner/Trump family are conservatives that have demonstrated this behaviour multiple times. This won't end well for either of you and I refuse to stand by and let you ruin yourself and your life's work over a fling with a woman who may or may not be queer,' he finished, his voice raising towards the end, causing the irritation I was feeling to spike. 

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