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My eyes fluttered open as warmth flooded my face. I squinted towards the open curtains before I let out a scream as a tall figure turned towards me and grinned. I clutched at the sheet as I scrambled backwards into another body. Who the fuck was in my bed?

'Babe, stop moving,' the person groaned from behind me, and I shot forward again. What the hell kind of nightmare was this? And who the fuck was that man? 

I closed my eyes and then opened them again, hoping that the people that had very clearly broken into my home had disappeared; they hadn't. However, my eyes seemed to have adjusted to the light now, so I could see more clearly. 'Harry, what the fuck?' I yelled as I recognised the man as my best friend. 'Why are you in my room?' 

'Taylor, seriously, you need to calm down,' the voice that I now recognised as Karlie's said from beside me before she sat up and gave me a lazy smirk. 'Also this is my room, however, you-' She pointed to Harry, who was now seated at the bottom of the bed. 'Still shouldn't be in here. I dont care how gay you are; I'm naked under here, and it's inappropriate,' she scolded him. 

'I'm bi, actually, and I thought we were friends now? Trust me babes, you are not my type and neither is Taylor. Also, I'm not interested in your nakedness,' I vaguely heard Harry reply. 

I then realised that I was also naked under the sheet, and if that wasn't bad enough, suddenly, the memories of last night washed over me, and I felt my face flame in embarrassment. 'Fuck,' I cringed as I sunk further into the mattress and buried my face into a pillow. 

Last night had been wild; a simple celebration had turned into getting absolutely wasted. Karlie yelled at me and Harry in the street; Joe abducted a paparazzi, then Karlie yelled at Harry again, and Harry wouldn't shut up about my face, then I argued with Louis? And threatened to kiss Harry, wtf? Then Karlie apologised to all of us, and we had sex, lots of sex, minus Harry and Louis, of course. 

Oh my god, I was mortified. I really should never be allowed to consume alcohol again; I was very clearly a liability, and I felt like I wanted to cry. I wouldn't, though, I had apparently done plenty of that last night; Karlie must think I'm such a baby. 

'Are you remembering last night as well?' I heard Harry ask, sounding a lot closer than he was before. I popped my head out of the covers and grimaced at him. 'We were so pissed,' he laughed, though I failed to see the humour in the situation. 

I risked a glance at Karlie who looked just as uncomfortable as I felt. There was a big gap between us in the bed now, so she'd obviously moved away from me, and she was staring hard at her phone like she was trying to pretend I didn't exist. I didn't blame her; I had coaxed her into cheating on her boyfriend, again. Most of my memories were hazy but I clearly remembered basically begging her not to say no to me and asking her for just one more night together. 

I was such a mess; I wouldn't be surprised if she cut contact with me after this. Luckily, I was going on tour next week, so at least I'd be occupied, and maybe it wouldn't hurt so much. Harry must have noticed the tension because he pointed to his phone before saying, 'I need to call Lou' And then bolting out of the bedroom. 

'Thank god, he's gone,' Karlie sighed as she threw her phone onto the bed and then turned to smile at me. I furrowed my eyebrows not understanding the change in her. She had looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here five seconds ago. 'You're beautiful, even with bedhead, smeared lipstick and mascara tracks down your face.' She reached out and touched my cheek, which only confused me further. 'Are you okay?' She asked softly 

'Am I okay?' I repeated indignantly as I gaped at her, making her snatch her hand back, in fear probably. 'Can you remember last night?' I raised my voice at her as my frustration with myself and the situation reached boiling point. 

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