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My car pulled up outside of Lily and Cara's apartment. I was nervous due to knowing there was a very likely chance that I would see Karlie once I stepped inside. I wiped my sweaty hands on my dress and then cringed at how disgusting that was. 

'Get a grip, Taylor,' I muttered to myself. Karlie probably didn't even want to see me; why would she? I assaulted her boyfriend and then stupidly kissed her after she was sweet enough to take care of my bleeding head. Yes, she'd kissed me back, but we'd had quite a bit to drink, so we weren't exactly thinking clearly. 

Also, I blatantly just flirted with her on the phone; why? Why did my treacherous brain think it was acceptable to let those words come out of my mouth? Was I still inebriated? Or did I just want to ruin my own life? Could you have a quarter-life crisis at twenty-three? 

I fumbled with the seatbelt as my thoughts started to get a little overwhelming. 'Miss Swift, would you like some help?' Joe asked as he turned around in his seat. 

I stopped struggling and took a deep breath to calm myself. I smiled as an idea popped into my head. 'No, thank you,' I replied sweetly, 'however, maybe you could go and get my purse?' I added hopefully. 

Yes, I was a coward, I knew. But honestly, I had embarrassed myself enough in the past twenty-four hours, and I really didn't think I'd survive another round of humiliation. I'd be doing Karlie a favour as well; on the phone, she sounded like she'd much rather be walking barefoot over broken glass than speaking with me, and I probably only made it worse with my inability to act like a normal, rational person within her presence. 

She probably thought I was some kind of sex fiend; first, she watched me kissing Cara, then I wrestled with her boyfriend on the beach before I shoved my tongue down her throat, and then ten minutes ago, I told her that I owned multiple sex toys; seriously, why was I like this?

Joe raised his eyebrow. 'I'm sorry, Miss Swift, but I'm afraid I can't do that,' he said simply as my brow furrowed in confusion. 

'Why not?' I asked, flabbergasted; he had never said no to me before. 

'I don't want to,' he said with a shrug. 'I'm your driver slash security guard, not your personal purse grabber. Furthermore, I know you want to see her.' He smiled at me knowingly. 

'I do not,' I instantly denied. He raised his eyebrow again, and I sighed. 'Okay, maybe I do, but I know Karlie doesn't share the same sentiments.' I felt my body deflate as a wave of sadness washed over me. 'I just wanted to be her friend, but I messed up,' I murmured dejectedly. 

Joe's eyes softened as he reached over and grabbed my hand. 'Now, if I may be so bold, Miss Swift?' He asked as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. 

Joe had been my driver plus my head of security since I could remember, and we had built quite the bond; he had seen me in various states of emotionalness, and I had poured my heart out to him more times than I could count. He never was a man of many words, but when he did speak, I knew it would be something insightful and wise.

I nodded for him to continue, curious about what he had to say. 'I've listened to you gush over Miss Kloss continuously since the first time you met her a few months ago; you idolise the girl.' He gave me another knowing smile as I blushed. 'I believe that this situation results from some unfortunate miscommunication; trust me, Miss Kloss wants to be your friend just as much as you want to be hers. Now I suggest you put on your big girl pants and go and grab your purse, and maybe throw in an apology while you're there. Sorry goes a long way.' 

I hated to admit it, but Joe was right. I did talk about Karlie a lot, and I had been so excited about our friendship. Karlie was such a great person to speak with; she was charming, funny, kind and genuine. She was like a very tall, beautiful ray of sunshine, and her messages had never once failed to make me smile. I wanted to be her friend so badly, and maybe Joe was right about the situation being the consequence of some ill-timed miscommunication. I could fix this; I knew I could. 

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