1 : First day of college

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A/N : Y/N , a 19 year old , simple girl is now going to study in the top university through scholarship. Not everyone can get into this university. They say it belongs to the RICH .

Beep .. beep ..... ...
Y/n pov : The sound of the alarm clock ⏰️ woke me up from my dream ( marrying my bias). Last night, I was busy cleaning and getting settled in my new hostel room . So you can say that it was hectic day and after traveling from my home till here , my body was exhausted.

Beep.. Beep...
Finally I m up ! Sat up hastily.
I don't know how people feel fresh and energetic in the morning while all I feel is lethargic 😅.

After few minutes.
I got in the shower after brushing. I was already late so I hurried up . Coming out of the bathroom I rushed to grab my clothes but the water on my feet ,caused me to slip and land my shoulder first on the closet door .
'Ouchhh! ' , I screamed in pain .
It's already turning out to be a bad day but it's also my first day and I can't be late atleast today , I murmured to myself .

After getting dressed I stared at my reflection through the long mirror next to my closet.
( Your outfit:

 ( Your outfit:

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'Are you ready y/n ????' , someone asked why banging my door .
'Yes I'm coming just a minute' , I replied while taking my belongings and rushing towards the door .
I opened the door and saw Zara standing there .

A/N : Zara lives in the some dorm . Her room is next to yours. You two became friends yesterday when you came to the hostel . Your dorm has all single occupancy rooms so you don't gave roommates.

Let's go , I said

We started to walk .
On the way .....

"Did you eat anything", she asked

"No I woke up late so couldn't eat " , I answered
"Don't worry gurl we can eat in the cafeteria before class ", she said
"So you also skipped your breakfast today ?", I asked
"Ahh , no no I ate bread, but I can eat again no problem" , she said dramatically
"Oh so you want to eat again" , I said with small laugh
"Uff girl it's just to company you . I know you're going to request me to eat when you order ,that's why I said I will eat , usually I m on diet but today I will or else you will feel alone" , she said while laughing
We both laughed on her statement.

A/N : the distance is not even 10 min from your hostel
While entering the college gate they asked for ID card and said that we can't enter without ID card .

After entering the campus area zara straight a way took me tp the cafeteria
( zara was old student so she knew all the places)
I ordered sandwiches for both of us and we sat on a table near us to eat but as I was about to take my first bite someone from behind ordered us to move to another table .
👉 ( Yes people our hero is here: taehyung)

I turned to see a tall , perfectly built (do I actually need to say how perfect he is ) boy who was busy on his phone standing.


"Can't you hear I said to move ", he ordered again

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"Can't you hear I said to move ", he ordered again .
"Why? Can't you sit somewhere else ? ",I replied
(I was so hungry hope u can understand)
"It's my table . I always eat here. Now go" he said rudely

I ignored him and started eating but he lifted my chair along with me and kept the chair (i was sitting on) to another table .

Aaaaa... what are you doing ", I shouted
Shut up ",he said coldly .

an't you see I m eating ",I shouted again

But he ignored me and sat on his table while scrolling his phone.
Y/n keep calm don't mess with him ",whispered Zara while patting my shoulders.

Suddenly a girl came to us and said , How can you talk to him like that ? You must be stupid , she laughed on me
"Hi Aria ",said zara to her
"Hi , is she your friend ? You should have told her about him before she messed .",she mocked me
Yeah actually she is new and it's her first day so..,"said zara but before she could complete I shouted
"He is the one who created mess ", it was loud enough .
The moment I completed my sentence he came and grabbed my ID card which was kept on the table along with my bag .

Hey you idiot! give my ID card back ", I shouted to which he came back and leaned towards me
Get it by yourself ", he whispered in his deep voice .
He left from there with a smirk on his face.
Before I could say anything... "hey you stupid girl stay away from him as he is my crush and don't mess with him again ",warned Aria .
Zara mocked her by saying, "but I guess he is almost evey girl's crush ." While laughing.

Aria left us and we headed towards the orientation hall where the orientation has to be done for new students.
On our way zara told me about him i.e Mr Kim taehyung. He was the son of the trustee of the university 😲. Teachers fav students and heartthrob. He is our senior by one year .
"Teacher's pet coz of his father and money !",I said in mocking way .
"Yeah but actually he is quite good at academics and sports as last year he won many medals for our college ",zara replied.
I realized what I blunder I made and got myself in trouble .

We reached the hall where the orientation had already begun.
There were Teachers and seniors and he was there too . To avoid him I sat on the last seat . They talked about discipline, not to fight and follow what seniors say and blah blah....... while I was busy thinking how to get my ID card back as without it I won't be able to enter the college tomorrow.
While I was in my own world someone said loudly" the girl at the last seat where is your ID ?". The moment I heard it I got panicked.
"Y/n where is your ID card ? ",shouts .
The moment I heard my name being called I stood up immediately and saw that it was taehyung shouting .
"He has my ID card then why is he asking me infront of everyone like that it's so embarrassing ",I murmured to myself.
"Girl you must answer your senior",a teacher said .
"Yes sir ...",I said nervously.
"Oh God please help what should I do now", I thought
"Actually my ID.. it's . my ID.." trying to say something.
"Show to me your ID after this class", Taehyung said cold.
"O..ok ", I said
"Now sit", he shouted .

Y/N pov : I almost felt like crying. I can't explain my feelings , how it feels when everyone is looking at you . How will I face him now ? I have to get my ID back. 😟

A/N : how will she enter college without her ID card ? What is taehyung planning to do now ??? .

Note : ignored if there's any error or spelling mistakes,, I m a new user of wattpad. Thanks for reading 😊

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