16: Unpredictable

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Buzz buzz ......
My phone buzzed indicating that there's a call . I saw Ryan's name so I picked it up.

On the call.....
YN : hello Ryan
Ryan : hi yn . Why are you not coming to college from past two days ? Are you fine ? .
YN : yes .. yes .. Ryan I m fine don't worry.
Ryan : then why are you not coming ? ( concerned voice ) .
YN : yesterday I woke up pretty late.. so I thought that I'll just take a day off . And today I was about to come but ...

not knowing what to answer so I looked at taehyung coz he's the reason for my absent from clg today but I found his dark eyes already giving me death stares . When I looked at him he rolled his eyes and shifted his gaze towards the other side . This gave chills down my spine.

"Oh God.. now what's wrong with him ", I sighed (in my mind)

The atmosphere of the room became odd and his aura was dark and tremendous.

Suddenly there was a knock on door .
Knock .. knock..
Tae: come in ! (Cold tone) .
The servant : your lunch is ready . Should I bring it in your room .
Tae : no . We will come there on the table. ( with that he stood up )
YN : shall we go ...

But he didn't let me complete and walked out of the room . My eyes just followed his figure while he was walking towards the door and within a min his figure disappeared. (As he went downstairs)

The servant : ma'am please come .
YN : yes (I smiled)
He smiled back at me and made our way towards dining area .

Taehyung had already started having his meal . I sat next to him and the servants served me . With one hand he was checking his phone ( maybe he was chatting with someone) .

Earlier when we came for breakfast he behavior was that of some gentleman, who was caring and soft hearted perosn but now what happened to that gentleman. This person doesn't care if I m here and just walked out of the room without even looking at me . He's just behaving as if I even don't exist . In one moment he seems to be different person but in the next he's different .

Suddenly he kept his phone down and said in a cold tone with a pinch of anger and sadness.

Tae : I'll drop you after the lunch .
YN : A .. taehy..
Tae : we'll leave in 10 min . Be quick I will be waiting there in the parking lot .
YN : ohk (in low voice )
Tae : hmm (he nodded and left from there)

.....A few inches later .....
I have already had lunch and now I was walking towards the parking area after bidding bye to Marida aunty . After looking for a while I finally saw taehyung waiting next to a car . His elbow was resting on the bonnet of the car . He was looking in the direction I was coming .

YN : are we going in this car ? (I asked with a smile )
Tae : (he nearly smiled but suddenly pulled a stoic expression) get in the car .
YN : what happened? ( I asked while he opened )

He was about to sit but after ques he stopped and stood straight . He looked at me and said "what ? " .
YN : what happened to you?
Tae : get in ! (While wearing his seat belt) .
YN : first you tell ( but he opened the gate for me )
I sat and he started the engine .

Tae POV..
I adjusted the mirror so that I can see her reflection.

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