3 : Mr. Monster

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Bang .... bang.....
(Someone Kept banging my door continously)
"who could be at this moment ",I thought .
"Who's there??", I asked while going towards the door.
Nobody replied .
I asked again but there was no response from outside. I turned around and was about to walk back up to my bed to sleep but again there was a knock at door .
I was pretty scared but I engaged all my courage and opened the door but there was nobody . I looked here and there but the corridor was empty . I shut the door and walked to my bad .
I was standing near my bed when I felt Someone's presence there .
I gulped my saliva when I saw someone (who's face I couldn't see as it was dark in the room) ,was standing with a knife in his hand . He slowly took forward steps towards me , my heartbeat was accelerating with his every step .
Now he was only few inches away from , I screamed out of fear "noooooooooooo".

But the next moment I found myself on my bed ... "oh God it was a dream", I exhaled.
Y/N pov : today I woke up on time so I went and freshened myself . I took me half an hour to get ready for college.

(This is what I wore

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(This is what I wore .) I called zara and we went to college.
"Yesterday was a bit tough .. I wish today I can breathe good", I thought while entering the college.
Zara went to her classroom .
Outside my classroom...
Aria : yn I want you to deliver my letter to taehyung .
Yn : what me ... no no please not me .
. (requested)
Aria : did I ask you ?? Just give it to(cold)

Yn : why don't you go give it yourself??

Aria : I can't... what if he gets mad at me .. no I can't stand his anger on me.

Yn : but if gets mad at me?? .. I have nothing to do with this letter.

Aria: so what .. huh .. you already got scolding on the first day.. so it's not new for you right ( laughs )

Y n : now your are bullying me !!

Aria: oh my gawd.. m I bullying you ?? ( pretends) . So what huh ?? I m your senior so now just do my work (rude).

Yn : but why mee???? ( complained)

But she ignored me and walked out .

In the class.....
I was in my thoughts ,, why m I being bullied by everyone since I have joined here ????...... how will I deliver this stupid letter??...
I was busy with all this that when professor asked me to write 500 words on leucocytes .
After I was done writing about it , I counted my words (as I always do but it always ends up lesser than the needed , )it was only 420 words so I added few points on leukemia .

Note :If you're wondering what are they then .. leucocyte is wbc and leukemia is cancer of it . Sorry but as I m science student so I ended up writing these 😅.

Fortunately my handwriting was very good so professor praised my work and gave a remark on my paper "Keep it up".

After the class....
I was showing zara my paper (outside my classroom )and the remark I got but the moment l handout the paper someone snatched it from my hands . I looked in the direction of those hands .

Taehyung: hmm... beautiful ( he raised his brows )
Yn : thanks
Taehyung : not you silly.. your handwriting..
Yn: Ik I said from my hand's side (while I showing my hands ✋️)
He gave a high-five and said ... no need to thank ( is he being nice.. I thought) just do my assignments . (How can he be nice .. I thought again )

Yn : why me ? I don't have time
Taehyung: ohh so you don't have time
... (dramatically) .. dare to refuse me ( he gritted his teeth)

Taehyung : just take the data from me after the college ( with that he left from there)

All this while I just keep staring at him while nodding my head as 'ok'. I was still staring at his disappearing figure when suddenly I remembered about Aria's letter.
"Y/n... yn .. are you lost in his charm ???,"zara teased me .
"Oh please madam just keep that in your wild imagination", I replied as I was annoyed.

I told her everything about that letter.

Zara : he told you to do his assessment so you can keep the letter in between his assessment papers ..
Yn : But he will come to know that I have passed this letter and I don't want to be his target .
Zara : then keep it in his bag .. he won't doubt you then .
Yn : but how will I get his bag ??? ( I frowned) .

After the dispersal, I came out with zara but I saw taehyung was sitting on his bike outside the gate .
" Looks like he's been waiting for you yn ,you should go now", said zara.

I bid bye to zara and walked up to taehyung while he was continously staring at me

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I bid bye to zara and walked up to taehyung while he was continously staring at me .
Y/n : were you waiting for me ??
Taehyung: No . I just like sitting here and admiring this road you silly ! ( sarcastically)
Yn: oh..ohk (while looking at the road) nice then keep staring this road (made fun of him but he gave me a death glare )
Taehyung: I will just send you the data and information of assignment..do it properly.
Yn : ok I will just give you my number..(while taking my phone )

Before I could complete..
Taehyung: I already have it ...
I looked at him with shock

Taehyung: it's not a big deal for me to get your number .

Yn : then why did you call me here if you already have my number ?

Taehyung : to tell you that I need my assignments Tom in the morning and then only you can attend your class ( he said coldly).

I just nodded and said 'hmm'.
Taehyung: what hmm ??
Y/n: I mean ok

Taehyung:handover them to me Tom morning or else see the consequences !!

He said while wearing his helmet.
Before leaving he looked at me and said Now go home !. And he left .
I also walked back till my dorm as it's just 10 min from my college.

In the evening I was chilling at my room while listening to music and enjoying the view of the sky . Suddenly a notification sound caught my attention, so I reached out to my phone. ( my phone was on the bed and I was standing in the balcony).
It was a message from that monster...

(A/N: when taehyung sent her the information about assignments she saved his name as monster. )

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