4 : Ignored his message

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It was a message from that monster (taehyung)

The messages:
Monster : Did you complete my work ? Send me a picture of it
I need to check it .

"But I have not even started it ", I murmured in my head .

I immediately sat on my desk and started downloading his pdf . I don't have any of my own assignments so I guess I will finish it today ,but when I opened the pdf it was 50 pages to write with and additional attachment which had diagrams .

"Aaaa.. how can I do all these by myself and that also by tomorrow??.", I panicked.
"I guess I'll have to pull an all nighter", (sighs)

I began writing. I wrote about 4 pages and but then I thought that first I will have my dinner and then with full energy I will complete it . As I m an excellent cook (understand the sarcasm) so I ordered food for myself. I got delivered within 20 minutes.
I have a habit of watching phone or TV while eating , so I started watching drama . With completion of ep 1 I finished my food .

"I will just watch one more episode and then I will write for sure" I promised myself.

But you can call it a fake promise as I ended up watching 4 episodes back to back . I realized it only when my phone was running out of battery. I went near socket to charge my phone . As the socket was next to my study desk and I saw those assignment sheets ......
It was the moment she knew she messed up ..... (only if you know that meme ) ....

YN : Aaa... oh God what do I do now???
Inner voice : Just sleep yn anyways you won't complete it even if you start now. So just sleep.
I just followed my inner voice and slept ..

Next morning ,outside the college gate ..

Taehyung: YN....wait there!! (While parking his bike )

The pace he was coming towards me ,feels like he is angry.
Does he know that I didn't complete his work",I thought.

Good morning taehyung", I greeted him but he just gave me a death glare .
"How dare you ignore my message huh???", He groaned in anger .
"Oh it's about message",I murmured
"Stop murmuring to yourself and answer me , why you didn't reply me ", he took a step forward with that.
I gulped my saliva but fortunately the guards saved me .
"You both don't argue here , show me your ID cards and move in",said the guard.

We both did as said and walked in . I tried walking a little fast but he matched my pace .
"Trying to escape from me ??",he questioned.
"Who .. me .. no .. no I just don't want to be late for my class as our teacher is quite strict , that's why I...",I explained

"You can't attend before showing me my assignment!", he said.

"Actually.. taehyung only 4 pages are..,but before i could finish my sentence

"4 pages are left then you will write them first and then you can go", with that he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the library.
In the library..
He sat beside me

He picked a book and started reading

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He picked a book and started reading.
"Only 4 pages are done and rest all are left to do",I said in one go.
WHAT ",he looked at me with wide eyes but soon that expression turned into a smirk .
Looks like you are not going to attend your lecture", he said while looking at his book .
"You ll make me write all 46 pages right now ??", I asked with puppy eyes.
He just gave a death glare and continued with his reading.

He looks  nicer when he is quite and busy ",I thought while staring at him

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He looks nicer when he is quite and busy ",I thought while staring at him.
"I know I m handsome,,, now start writing.",he said without looking at me to which I started writing.

After that .. I kept writing and he was busy reading , there was a pin drop silence. Although he looked at me few times but I didn't dare to make contact with his ocean deep eyes.

A few inches later ...
I saw a lady entering library ,"Oh God I'm so tired after this class",she said.
"Oh damn her lecture was in our class but I didn't attend it", I said in low voice but taehyung heard it .

Taehyung: Good morning mam

Taecher: Good morning taehyung dear ( with she looked at him gave a smile )

Taehyung: why don't you come and sit here ( she came and sat infront of us)

Teacher : how are you dear ? And how is everyone at home

Taehyung: I m fine mam but you look so tired. How are you??

Teacher : yes actually for today's class I prepared all the notes last night ( while saying that his eyes dropped on me )

Aaa y/n why didn't you attend my lecture 😤 ",she scolded
Sorry mam",I apologized
What sorry ",she asked but I just kept looking down .
Answer me now y/n .she said

Nowadays people don't reply ",tae taunts while looking at me

Hearing his taunt I looked at him to which he shifted his gaze towards ma'am and said "please take care mam" smiles at her .
Your are so sweet child . Take care of your studies and health taehyungaa . Bye dear", she said to him
"And y/n don't skip lectures from now onwards ", with that she left us .

"Look how partial you are ma'am . So sweet taehyung my child to him and to me only scolding ", I was imitating her in my mind and taehyung was smiling on my expressions .

"Why are you laughing when I m getting scolding?? Oh you are everyone's darling na ,,huh.", I said

So now you dare to question me . Just do your work",he ordered me

It's your work not mine ",I said in low voice but he heard it and again a scary stare .
A few moments later ...

YN : it's done . I m leaving now .

Taehyung: hmm .
I started packing my belongings.

Taehyung: If I find a single mistake then I will make you write whole sheets again. ( warned)
I rolled my eyes on it and was about to leave.

Taehyung : Ms YN if you dare to ignore my message again then you'll face the consequences (stiff tone)
He said while staring deep into my eyes.

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