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<Previously >

(Taehyung: I guess you want me to check every room at this hour .

YN : Are you threatening me 🤣🤣🤣 I know nothing of this sort is going to happen .

Taehyung: Are you sure ?
He hung up the call..)

<continues .....>

YN : Does he think I'm a fool who'll get scared with his threats ?

She kept the phone aside and lay on the bed . Her roommate switched off the lights . 

<15 minutes later >

YN felt a hand covering her mouth and dim voice. "YN get up." "YN " .

She panicked . She suddenly opened her eyes as she felt scared , trying to get rid of his grip. 

Taehyung: Shhhhhh, keep quiet. It's me. it's me .

He was sitting on his knees next to her bed near her head .

Taehyung: Don't make noise. I'm releasing you . (He unwrapped his fingers )

She immediately got up the very next moment .

Before  she could shout more, he got up and again covered her mouth by one hand and holding her head by the other one . She struggled to get out of his grip .

Taehyung: Do you want to wake her up ? (Furrowed eyebrows )

Taehyung: You want everyone to know that I'm here , right ? Then you'll become the talk of the town . (Under his breath)

YN : (She was just looking at him )

Taehyung: Do you want it ?
(raising eyebrows for a second)

YN : *She slightly shrugged her head left and right as no *

She realized that what he said was right. He released her, and she looked at him and saw him already gazing at her 😳.
He didn't utter a single word, and neither did she . 


Feeling his gaze on me, I couldn't look into his eyes.  No words, but silence covered all building up an unknown tension between us . Suddenly, he chose to break it ....

"And why is your heart beating fast when I haven't even touched you ?"

"How do you know my heart is racing ?" I ask .

He takes my hand and puts it on his chest
"Beacuse mine is."

Feeling his racing heartbeat under my hand makes my heart flutter. 

I tried taking my hand back, but he immediately put his hands on it .

"Why ?"he asked

"Why do you mean by why ?"I said

He responded with a smile and kept looking at me . I felt shy .

"Do you want me to keep my hand on your chest for the whole night or what ? "I tried to avoid looking at him .

"If you look at me, I'll tell you something ." He said

"What?"She asked him blankly, looking at  him .

He leaned closer to her and didn't say a word   ,kinda he was trying to create suspense.

"Tell me now," she requested 

"Ok, so listen carefully .
(He said on a serious note, and she put her all attention to him )

"YN , I'm not going to punish you for blushing . So stop hiding it from me ."
He said softly, patting her check slowly. 

"In fact, I really like it when you ...".
he stopped and didn't complete his statement

"Stop teasing me and just go," she pushed him slightly away from her .

"Wait ... wait, don't push, or else she'll wake up . "(He refers to YN'S roommate who was asleep )
He was convincing to let him just be there as she was continuously telling him to go . 

"Don't you wanna know how I came here ?"he added to get an excuse .

"No , I don't want to . Just leave, "she insisted.

While saying this, she was pushing him towards the door . He held her both hands and wrapped around her waist .

"shhhhhh, just listen to me once and stop this nonsense " , with that, he tightened his grip .

"Taehyung.."she said slowly .
She was about to speak but he interrupted.
"I'll promise if you listen to me, I'll leave ." He assured her .

"Close your eyes," he ordered her .

"Why ? ," she immediately questioned.

"Just do what I said . Be obedient. ," he said, leaving no other option for her .

She closed her eyes, and he leaned closer to her .

YN pov :
You're too close, Mr. Kim Taehyung .
His breadth was hitting her face , giving chills down her spines.  She's too nervous to ask anything.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and spoke in his deep voice. 

You know what, Franz Kafka said :

"If a million loved you , I'm one of them
And if one loved you , it was me
If no one loved you , then you know that I'm dead ."

He then added .

You know YN , I only ever thought ,
There were two types of love
The kind you'd kill for
And the kind you'd die for
But you , my darling ,
You were the kind of love
I would live for .

"Tae ..hyung," a low nervous voice came . She could barely speak .

"Shhh , I told you to keep quiet , you don't listen, right?"  he said .

Understanding her nervousness, he added

" I didn't say 'I love you ' to hear it back . I said it to make sure you knew  "😏

He softly pecked her cheek and whispered "bye " .

She opened her eyes slowly and saw taehyung smiling and moving backward  while looking at her . She frozen in her state ,couldn't move or speak  . 
She just stood there looking at him, who opened the door slowly and said

"Good night, love," and winked 😉. 
Slowly, the door closed, covering his figure .

She was left stunned, unable to figure out anything,  unable to believe what she heard, and her eyes saw . What a sweet heart attack♥️ given by him .

[<A/N : I know, and I'm  sure you all want such a heart attack >]

Actually, the thing is that :

She loves him more than he'll ever
And he loves her more than he'll ever  show

[<A/N : I hope you liked it and, as usual, accept my apologies for not being consistent and updating the chapter .Thank you for showing this much patience, and on a sweet note, see  you soon . HAPPY READING! >]

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