9:Letter ✉️

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I ran out from there to my classroom. It was almost the time for next lecture.

Tae's POV
How stubborn she is ? Won't listen to me at .. all .. silly (smile appears on his face ).
"Running like a kido .. this silly", i murmured while looking at her disappearing figure .

???? : Taehyung.... (Someone shouted from behind)

I turned around to see Aria . She walked up to me .

Tae : What now? ( cold)
Aria : what is all this Tae? What is so special about her?

I just looked at her with a blank face and stoic attitude.

Aria : just tell me if what is going on ??
Tae : ok so first you tell me that when ate you planning to?
Aria : planning? What planning to ?
(She asked with a confused face )
Tae : when are you planning to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS ?
Aria : ............. (burned )

{A/N : what a savage reply 👏 }

Aria: I saw how close she was to you
Tae : what is your problem ?
Aria : I see 👀 I see that you are taking a lot of interest in her nowadays taehyung . I have been waiting for you since a long time now but all I get to see is your cold face with this attitude but for her you smile and care . Why ? Why ? . (She shouts )

I stood acting all deaf . While staring at the sky .
Aria : are you even listening?? Hello I m talking to you .
Aria : tell me if you're developing feelings for her ?? Just say now (shouts ).
Tae : if you're done with your blah blah blah 😤 then get lost now .
Aria: no I won't
Tae : ok then .
I left from there while she kept calling my name .

Taehyung 's mind : M I really so much into her ? M I REALLY DEVELOPING FEELINGS FOR HER ? No .. no .. how can this be possible , how can I like someone so easily ? But what if ......
"Just shut up taehyung.. don't think stupid ", he said to himself.

End of taehyung' s POV ..........

The NEXT day ...

Announcement: There will be a competition held today . Students who are interested in arts and believe in their creativity must join it . Don't let the artist inside you die because of your studies.

YN : are you going to participate?
Zara : no , my drawings are same as the food you cook yn 🤣 🤣 🤣🤣
YN : what do you mean 😑
Ryan : she simply means it's bad 🤣🤣🤣

......A few inches later .....
We all gathered there for the competition.
There was a canvas in front of me but I was thinking what do draw now . Whenever I close my eyes 👀 to imagine someone all I could see is

 Whenever I close my eyes 👀  to imagine someone all I could see is

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Uff God help me . I don't wanna fall for him , please God take care of my heart ♥️ . I was in my thoughts but was cut by Marida (classmate) .
Marida : hey yn , do you have thin paintbrushes ??
Yn : let me see .

A/N : yn started searching for the brushes in her bag 🎒 and while doing that an envelope ✉️ fell from her bag , which accidentally was not noticed by her but caught attention of someone else.

Marida : why don't you check in that pencil case . ( pointing towards the case )
Yn : oh yeah .... found it . There is paint on it wait I'll go and wash it .

Both Marida and YN left .

A/N : the moment yn and Marida left someone came and picked up the letters.

?? : Ohh love letter ..... nice (with dark eyes and a treacherous smile ) .

A/N : yn came back and started her painting as she was unaware of the letter .

?? : so everyone are you people interested in reading love letter ? ( Someone announces) .
Crowd : oooooooo.... yes

Suddenly there's this thing .... I looked in that direction to see taehyung standing in the middle of the room with a letter in his hand .
"What is all these nonsense ? He is violating someone's privacy ",I murmured

As I m not interested in anyone's love story I continued my work .

Tae : so guys .. this letter in my hand is a love letter from a boy to a girl .
Crowd : ooo .. who are they ?
Tae : chill ..chill... I don't know about the boy but the girl is .... (He paused for a sec to create suspense) and the girl is YN ...
Crowd: ooooo yn yn yn .....

All this while I was just concentrating on my work but the moment I heard "the girl is YN "
It just blew my mind .

"WHAT ???", I shouted in shock 😲
Everyone shifted their gaze from me to taehyung when he said, " so do you all want me to read it " .
Crowd: yesss ..
I ran towards taehyung to get that letter ✉️ .
YN : listen taehyung no ... just don't do this
( while struggling to get that letter from his hand)

Tae : you want the letter? ( he whispered while lowering his hands, which was at 90 ° earlier)
YN : yes , now give ( while raising my hand to get it )
Tae : not so easily darling (whispered again)
Only at 2 conditions
YN : what condition?
Tae : firstly if you tell me who gave this to you
Secondly, if you let me read it.. I mean not here infront if everyone .
YN : why do you want to read it ? It's none of your business.
Tae : I will definitely read this darling either alone or infront of everyone.( smirk appears on his face)
Tae : so choice is yours ... so now tell me who wrote this for you ?? ( rudely)
YN : I don't know who wrote it and you can't ready letter ...
He raised his eyebrows at me and said "let's see then ".
Tae : so are you ready everyone ?
Student 1 : read it
Students 2 : YN is new and already received a letter . Tell na yn who wrote it .
YN : I don't know and you all can't violate someone's privacy.
Tae : ohh com'on ...
"I still give you a chance", he whispered in my ears again

YN : you just go to hell and I really don't know.
Tae : now since you chose this .

Tae : so pay attention now ... here you go
(He opened the letter and started reading)
The letter:

YN , this letter is for you . I m writing this letter because I don't have the courage to tell you in person . I still remember the day when joined our college.... I don't know when it happened ......

To be continued....

A/N : ignore if there's any mistake please. And do vote . See you in the next part. ✌️

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