28 : Liar

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[On her way to Taehyung's home from college]

She was walking with her friend .
YN : Last night, I had a dream, or you can call it a sort of nightmare. 

Zara : I'll decide if it's a dream or nightmare . Tell me
YN : I was in a forest , it was so dark there . Barely, I could see anything. The cold winds made it even worse . I was lost in the darkness,  trying to find a way out . I was walking in a direction.  I could only hear the sound of my own footsteps . I was tired , that I was about to fall there but suddenly I saw a beam of light ahead . I walked faster towards it in hope . There was a bright, warm light , I couldn't help but  embrace it, closing my eyes . And  when  my eyes opened, I saw ...

(She stopped on  realizing something, and her face was nervous )

Zara : You saw what ? ( Questions because of YN s sudden reaction)
YN : I forgot, hehe 😅😅😅😅😅😅.

Zara : Wow 👌 very nice . Your memory is even sharper than Albert ( sarcastically)

YN : Who's Albert ?
Zara : Albert Einstein!!!!!!!!!

[TAEHYUNG'S house ]
Mrs Kim : You're back, dear .
YN : Yes , auntie. 😊
Mrs Kim : Today I've made some cookies for you and taehyung.  After you get freshen up, please help me to call him and let him taste it at least .
YN : Please don't say please.  I'll call him .
Mrs Kim : He came a few minutes ago, and now he's in his room  .

[YN'S POV][In Her room ]

I suddenly saw a ray of light . I couldn't help myself but embrace it.  It was so warm, and I never wanted to let it go . I heard o voice .
?? : How long are you planning to hug me ?

YN : What is this ?
I slowly opened my eyes  . And saw taehyung standing there .  My hands were wrapped around him tightly, and his hands were floating in air . I turned around and went to my room straight a way.

YN : I HUGGED HIM LIKE THAT !!!!!! (realizing her actions, her brain froze )
OH MY LORD !!! Have some mercy on me . I hope he doesn't remember anything? But what if he does ? How will I face him now ? 
................. and so on .........
(overthinking ultra pro max )

After thinking I'm sorry about overthinking, she finally decides to go and call taehyung as Mrs kim had told her .

His room was on the first floor . Stepping up on the staircase,
"He doesn't tremember anything,right ?"(chanting )

She was about  to knock on the door when the door opened and revealed taehyung . Before she could speak anything
Taehyung : Look, YN, I'm already in problem !
(Saying this, he passed by her and started stepping downstairs . YN followed him )
YN : But listen to me, at least. I just came to call you for-..
(he again interrupted her  intentionally )
Taehyung : Call me for a date?
(Makes faces )
YN : Date ? Yes, no, I mean (puzzled )
Taehyung: I have no time for you, OK !(fake attitude)
YN : I just came to call you for snacks . That's it !
(She came in his path to stop him , she stood  in front of him )

Listen, this his fake attitude broke into pieces 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .

He suddenly took his phone out and pretended to attend a call .

Taehyung: Whaaat ? (Exaggerated)

Meanwhile, YN was just standing there . She turned towards the kitchen to help taehyung mother.  But taehyung rushed and blocked her way. He rested his one hand  on her shoulder . She tried resisting , but he just kept acting.

Taehyung: HUGGED? (Looking at YN to catch her expressions)
She didn't give any reaction. she just kept looking at the surroundings , waiting for shoulders to get freedom. 

Taehyung: Don't worry, we'll fight for justice 😤.  I will take suggestions.  Bye .

YN : If you're done with it, then can I go now .
Taehyung: Then go who's stopping you . (Acting cool )
YN : But ....... leave it .
( She doesn't want to argue because he'll anyway win )
Taehyung: What ?
(Acting all innocent)

She moved a few steps towards the kitchen but halts when he calls her .

Taehyung: YN , will you help me with something?
(Puppy eyes with a sweet pleasing voice )

YN : Help you with what ?
Taehyung: First, come closer .

She came closer to him two footsteps away . He draws her nearer and again rests his hand on her shoulder and walks towards the dining table .

Taehyung : Last night, a strange thing happened to my friend. 
YN : Oh .. ohk .. ( carefully listening )
Taehyung : You want  to what ? (Trying to create suspense)
YN : Not  really (a gentle low voice )
Taehyung: Yes, you want to . I know !  (Dominating)
Taehyung: A girl hugged him ! That also, without his permission . What do you think this means ? (Focused on her face)
Taehyung: Should he go to police? It's such a big thing, right ?
YN : There is no need to involve police. The girl may love you friend thats why she -
(she stopped as she thought ,"Is he talking about last night ?)
Taehyung: What did you say just now ? Something like love I heard ? ( dramatically)
YN : No ... no ... I said that your friend is overthinking . He should let this topic slide 
Taehyung: Hmm, (nodding his head )But...... I don't think so.
YN : Then what is your opinion about it ?
(Nervous  , remembering her last night's meeting)
Taehyung: Anyways, you don't care about my opinion . Right ? So leave it . (Serious tone) (taunts)
YN : .......... (not a single word escaped her lips) .........
Taehyung : OK, tell me ? Have you ever done this to someone?
YN : I.. I No , I haven't .
Taehyung: What you haven't done , hug ? Or love ?  (Deep gaze )
YN : Both . (Replied)
Taehyung: Really ?
YN : Yes , now I think I should go to help your mother .
Taehyung: Hmm (Releases )

She rushed to the kitchen .

Taehyung In his thought : You say you haven't hugged anyone.  Huh ! Never loved anyone .

Taehyung: Liar !!!!!
(word escaped from his mouth )

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