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[College Auditorium]
The students are sitting class wise in rows . The team of teachers was standing on the stage accompanied by a group of seniors (including taehyung) . They were busy discussing things .
Students of all batches were sitting class wise in rows . YN'S class was in 3rd row . They all were waiting for the principal to come and start the meeting .

One peon was standing at the entrance of the hall. "Principal sir is coming," he said , alerting everyone.

The teachers lined up on the stage . Seniors came down and sat with their batch .

As the principal entered, everyone stood and greeted him. "Good morning , sir. "

He walked up on the stage .

The principal:
Good morning all , please be seated.
So my dear kids, how are you all ?

Students: Good sir

Principal: Good , you people are doing good .

Principal: Your seniors might already know, but what about my junior? Do you know what's coming up ?
(He was talking to YN'S class , Juniors )

In response, all he got was blank faces .

Principal: So you have no idea . No problem.

Principal: Next week , that is on upcoming Saturday. we have our founder's day . It was the day when our university was established. Like every year, there will be programs, and this I want my juniors to join in for the preparations.

Principal: And all my seniors, I'm giving you their responsibility . Please take care of them .
(He said, looking at taehyung's class )

Principal: Alright, everyone, are you all ok with the plan ?
Students: Yes, sir .

Principal: I want this energy in the stage also when you present yoursrlf . Good luck !

He came down, and the students stood as a sign of respect to their principal . The principal left the hall .

Teacher : So now sir has given you all work , do it with all your efforts. Juniors, you have got an opportunity to work with your seniors . Make most of it to learn from them . Obey them , ask them if you don't understand.
(Speaks to Juniors )

Teacher (to seniors) : If you need help, we are there .

Teacher 2 (ma'am) : Kids, you have got two lectures free for this thing, after which you will have a break, and then your regular classes will be going on . This is how this week will work . Ok ?

Students: Yes, mam .

The teachers left the hall, and now there were only seniors and juniors with not college faculty.

Two boys and four girls from the seniors (taehyung's class ) walked up on the stage .

Senior (Girl 1) : So you all need to come here one by one and introduce yourself while entertaining us .

Ryan : But you already know us .
(He spoke as he got a hint that seniors were taking ragging . Also, when it was their first interaction ,they had already introducethemselves to seniors )

Seniors 2 (boy ) : Then do you have any problems doing it again.

Taehyung : Start with this chic (he meant Ryan) .

Taehyung got up from his seat and came to the front row and sat crossing his legs and placing his hands on the top of the adjacent seat .

Seniors 2(boy ) : Come , come on stage (he said to Ryan)

Ryan didn't move as he didn't want to make fun of himself in front of everyone .

Taehyung: Hurry up! (He shouted)

Ryan had no other option, so he went up on the stage .

Senior (Girl) : Start now ! (Rude )

Ryan : Hello, everyone (he started with introduction)

Taehyung: Shut up ! (He shouted on Ryan)

Seniors laughed 🤣🤣🤣

Senior (boy ) : Why did you stop (he shouted )

Ryan : Taehyung told to - (trying to explain but)

Senior (Girl) : So now you will disobey me ! (She shouted )

Ryan couldn't speak . None of them juniors had the courage to stand for him. They themselves were scared , praying to God infear that next can be their turn .

Taehyung: Add some twist, bro ... all this boring introduction . (He said to his classmates)

Seniors: Can you sing ?
Senior : How about dance ? Like girls .

Seniors laughed🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Meanwhile, YN and her classmates were talking, slowing in fear

YN : You never know who's next (She said in a nervous, scared voice )

Mera: I'm not that strong to handle all this . (Scared )

Not only these two but all the juniors  had the same feeling .

Those two lectures felts like miles for them.  Ryan had to do all they ordered, but the rest of them were saved . They didn't practice or do anything related to Founder's Day .

<Later , after the clg ><At taehyung home entrance >

YN entered the main gate and was walking towards the mansion when she heard .

Taehyung: It was hard for you , right? Seeing your favorite person like that .

He was sitting on his bike , waiting for her . YN glanced at him but didn't respond.  Taehyung went near her.

YN : It's not what you think -
(She tried clarifying that there's nothing between Ryan and her)

Taehyung: I know. I know you can't see him like that 😏
(Putting his arm around her shoulder )

Taehyung: And if you don't want to see him like that ....

(Draws her nearer and makes eye contact )

Taehyung: Tell him to stop touching you ! (Still looking in her eyes)

A/N : Taehyung is talking about the day when YN had injured her ankles, and Ryan held her hand to help her walk . If you don't remember, please refer to that chapter 🙂  (sorry, I forgot the chp number )

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