|Chapter Sixteen|

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A/N: So I decided to write in first person's point of view. If it comes out great, I'll continue in First person's pov and when I'm done with the book, I'll go back to rewrite the other chapters in First person's pov.

Copyright ©2022_Over Him ✔ written by OluchiHelen.

April's Pov

Weariness weighed down on me like an extra luggage. I already had a lot on my plate and Cherry's call last night hadn't made it any better. There was some sense of urgency and grief in her voice but I could easily tell she was trying to hide it.

Even after asking her to fill me up on what was happening back home, she'd requested that I flew back home, after stating that it wasn't something she could easily say over the phone. There was no denying that I was beginning to grow worried.

After promising to make out time in the coming days to fly back home, I'd fallen asleep eventually and awoken to a bright cold morning with a side of headache. Great right?

Despite the cold seeping in through my window which had been slightly cracked open, I was still sweating. Pushing myself up into a sitting position, I press a sweaty palm to the base of my neck and sigh. I was running a temperature.

With a dry, scratchy throat, I get out of bed grateful that it was a weekend and grab a bottle of water I had left on the dresser and chug it down but it doesn't do much. It doesn't stop or relieve the dryness in my throat. I would have to stop by at the pharmacy for some drugs.

Without a word, I knew I was coming down with a cold. Before I'd gone to bed the previous night, I'd felt a bit feverish but had simply done what anyone in that situation would do, put on some warm clothes.

The pain in my joints were beginning to become even more prominent but for now I would be able to manage until I got some medications.

Not feeling in the mood to take a bath, I simply head into the kitchen to look for something to eat. My fridge needed restocking as it was nearly empty, the only thing left a box of cereals, some flour and a carton of milk I was sure would expire soon. It had been sitting way too long in the fridge.

Grabbing the box of cereal and milk, I check their expiry dates. Just a few more weeks and they'd be garbage. Getting out a bowl, I pour the cereal into it and then pour the carton of milk into it. This would do until I'd gotten something from the grocery store.

Suppressing a cough that was threatening to rage through me, I trudge painfully into the living room and plop down on the couch. Flicking through the Tv stations for any thing worth my time, I settle on some celebrity gossip, not that I was interested in what Kim or her family were putting on for the MET gala.

If Cherry wanted me to fly back home, she better pray that I got better.

Doing as fast I could, I finish the bowl of cereal and rinse it off before placing it in the washing machine. There was a lot to do and sitting alone in the living room wouldn't solve anything.

Sucking in the pain, like my dad would usually tell me to do back when I was still a kid, I get off the comfortable couch, spikes shooting up my feet coupled with the joint pain. Ignoring the pain, I trudge into my room and take a hurried shower before pulling on something better.

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