'Community Library Project Christmas Fundraiser ' I read before I slid the invitation into my pocket, palming my car keys and checking I had my wallet, I was hoping that the silent auction would have something unique I could get for Mom's birthday, which was coming up much faster that I would like, especially given that every time I thought I had found her the perfect gift either Dad or Dom had already got it for her.
Neither of them would be here tonight, Dad and Mom were visiting our cousin Viridian and her family and Dom was off doing god knows what, he had been acting out of character for the last couple of weeks but wasn't sharing what was bugging him and Dad was letting it go for the moment, I wonder how long dad would give him to come clean.
Grinning as the Aston Martin roared to life around me, I settled into the butter soft leather seats, the car was a pre Christmas gift to myself, the sleek black leather interior and gloss black exterior was pure indulgence, all refined power and speed and although I should really take a driver, the car had only been delivered this week and I wanted to drive. I wasn't planning to go beyond one drink in my hand, and that would be mainly for show, these events had far too many networking opportunities to risk by drinking, and I knew my security team would be watching anyway and would step in if I needed them.
Ignoring the valet parking at the front of the hotel I accessed the underground parking. The hotel was one of ours, so I had no problem getting a space, there would always be one available when any of us needed one. Using my pass on the staff lift I stopped by reception first to check in the with duty manager before continuing up to the roof terrace restaurant where the event was taking place.
I stopped in the doorway watching as staff straighten their spines at my presence, my gaze scanning the room before I move deeper inside, lifting a glass of champagne of a passing tray as people start closing in on me. "Mr Genovese welcome" I shook the Mayors hand and so it began, the endless meet and greet that normally I would share with Dad or Dom.
Tonight however it grated, I felt on edge, tense, as if something was going to happen, I wasn't expecting any problems but just in case, I had to be on my guard.
A reminder from the MC that the silent auction items were on display in the next room, gave me an excuse to break away from the inane chatter and head that way. The charity had gone for quality over quantity for this event and each of the twelve tables contained one auction key piece each. I wandered through looking at each item and had reached the seventh table before I felt a prickling sensation, as if someone was watching me.
Lifting the glass to my lips, I used the action to do a quick scan of the room, my eyes passing then returning to the petite girl stood off to the side of the last two tables. Whilst she was dressed appropriately for the evening she looked uncomfortable, out of place. I kept an eye on her as I inspected the other tables before approaching the two nearest her. The previous tables jewellery, holidays and art items, not catching my attention as much as she did.
I move closer, my gaze on the tables but keeping her in my peripheral view. The first table to her left containing the first option for Mom, a first edition of Pride and Prejudice, along with the history, who donated it and appraisal value. This was something I knew Mom would love to add to her library at the house.
The second table also held a book, and reading the title description it was one of only seven handmade copies, known as the Moonstone Edition's of JK Rowlings Tales of Beedle the Bard. The book itself was held within a glass display case, strategic lighting making the stones glow.
A sign on the table directing interested parties to raise the flag for further information. I read it and looked up, seeing her eyes once again watching me, a flash of something, maybe fear crossing her face as I raised the flag. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her as she straightened and closed her eyes briefly before pasting a smile on her face and stepping forward... towards me.
"Sir, how can I help?" her voice was light, soft, delicate... like her.
"Leo" I said holding out my hand, knowing she would have to reciprocate.
"Maude" she whispers out, reluctantly putting her hand in mine. My hand closing around hers completely, so much bigger, stronger than her fragile one and I loved the difference, my mind not wanting to let go and I grin as she blushes before pulling her hand free."How can I help sir?" she repeats.
"Leo" I remind her and she fails to hide her eye roll as she asks again.
"How can I help... Leo?"
My smile widens, and she takes a step back before stopping herself. "Tell me about this lot" I instruct and she does, her enthusiasm returning as she talks about it, and I listen to the sound of her voice, not really caring what she is saying."And that book?" I point at the first edition "Which would you choose?" I ask her and she tilts her head questioningly, considering me before responding.
"If its an investment, then Beedle the Bard" she replies softly but I saw the look in her eyes as she had looked at the other book, that's the one she would choose.
"It would be a gift" I tell her.
"Then I really couldn't comment sir" she says taking another step back, away from me. Perfectly timed as two other guests join us, butting in, introducing themselves to me, asking after Dad. By the time I had got rid of them she was gone, out of sight, out of the room and I frowned, my tolerance for the event suddenly dimming.
I looked around but a chap in a badly fitting suit now stood where she had been, I beckon him over and he fidgets under my gaze "Where is Maude?"
"On her break sir, can... can I assist you?" he stutters out.
"Maude explained about this lot, but how do I bid?" I ask to cover myself for asking about her.He passes me a bid sheet and indicates a drop box on the table where I could place my bid. Going onto explain that once the bids were checked, winners would be contacted directly by the charity and arrangements made for delivery. I waved him off and completed the form for both books, just in case and if I was lucky enough to win both then that was Mom's birthday sorted as well.
Checking my watch, I wondered if it was too early to leave and deciding I didn't care, I had done my bit, placed my bid, we had already sent a donation on behalf of the family, not to mention hosting the event for free. My gaze searched the room one last time but the girl had still not returned and I slipped out the staff door behind the bar, relishing the sudden quiet of the hallway as I made my way towards the lift.
The sound of female voices behind a closed door... her voice, made me pause. I shook my head wondering why this girl was catching my attention. "It was nothing, he was just asking about the books" I heard through the door.
"Of course he was, there no way he would be interested in a little no-one like you" her companion replied. "And anyway aren't you engaged, what would he think"
"For Gods Sake Katherine, you are making far more of this than there was, he asked about the book, that's it, I told him about the BOOK! That's all!" she is almost shouting. "And I am not engaged, Liam is just a friend"
"If you say so" I can hear the cattiness in the other woman's voice. "Your break is over, better get back to work" she adds and I realise I have to move or she will catch me by the door. I move further down the hallway, stepping back into a alcove, just as she storms out, not looking my way as she returns to the main event.
The door still open I can clearly hear the other woman, who is now on the phone "Jackie, you need to come now, Leo Genovese is here, as is the Mayor and a few other men, you can take your pick... after me of course" she laughs, stepping out, again paying no attention to where I am stood as she too heads back to the party. Typical blonde, tall and slim. I shake my head, wishing the mayor and other luck with her and her friend. I was leaving.

That Bad Boy & That Bad Man Duet (Completed)
Storie breviThat Bad Boy Leo doesn't pretend to be anything he's not, but a chance encounter with a quiet librarian has him hot under the collar. He's used to beautiful women throwing themselves at him but she is the only woman he has ever been unable to forge...