Sheer rage has got me this far, and now sat facing the impressive building that I knew was the office base to one of, if not the biggest crime family in the state, I was starting to second guess myself.
The idea of confronting the man who had caused me so much pain and stress which seemed a good idea at 3am this morning when I had got in my car and driven for 6 hours straight to face him, to find out where his baseless accusations had come from... to find out why he was blaming me. I took a deep breath, my whole body was shaking with how tightly I was wound, I was tired, so tired but I had to do this.I watch the coming and goings for another hour before getting out of the car and entering the building, scanning around the atrium, sleek and glossy, with art that probably cost more than I would make in my whole life... I took a deep breath, I can do this... approaching the desk, the burly security guard giving me a once over before dismissing me as unimportant as I wait for the svelte receptionist to acknowledge me.
"I'm here to see Dominic Genovese" I tell her, straightening my spine as I speak.
She doesn't even bother to look up "Do you have an appointment?" She asks.
"Yes?" I reply hesitantly and realise my mistake too late, now I have both their attention.
"You say you have an appointment? What name?"
I start to sweat "Mab...Margot Sampson" I rush out, giving the name of a celebrity I had seen in one of the gossip rags.
"We have no record of an appointment Ms Sampson" the receptionist replies, her gaze narrowed on me suspiciously.
"There must be a mistake, it's for 10am, I'm already running late" I try to appeal to her but she glances at the guard who rises to his feet, only watching but I can feel the threat.
"I'm sorry Ms Sampson, we cannot let you up without you being on the appointment list, if you'd like to take a seat, I can phone up to check"I nod and move to the seat she has indicated as she lifts the phone, her eyes still on me. I raise my hand "Is there a restroom?" I ask with a touch of embarrassment and she points to a hallway across the atrium.
"Thank you" I say with a smile and head that way quickly, my gaze scanning in all directions, there must be a way up. I know the call will end up in me being outed as not having a appointment but I've come this far. I have to keep trying.The restroom is light and spacious, fresh flowers and real hand towels beside the sink and I wash my hands, looking at myself in the mirror. I'm surprised I wasn't immediately thrown out, as I look at the state I am in.
A click behind me has me turning as I see an almost invisible door opening in the wall behind me, a cleaning cart coming through followed by a uniformed woman, her hand pushing the cart, whilst he shoulder holds the door and she pulls something else in behind her as she also juggles her phone at her ear. She stops shocked as I take the wait of the door off her and smile, "Here let me help" I tell her holding the door as she brings everything in before thanking me. I feel bad for one second before I step through and let the door shut behind me, leaving her in the restroom. And me... I'm in!I look for the stairs, moving as quickly as I can without drawing too much attention to myself, heading up, up, up. My gut telling me he would be on the top floor...
I was out of breath by the time I reached the 10th floor, the stairs no longer an option as a gate barred the way.
I straightened my back and took a breath before opening the door. The hallway was silent, dark carpet running in both directions from the door, the hallway interspersed with solid wood doors, and the occasional window, protected by blinds. Left or right, I let my gut guide me and went right, silently walking along the hallway, listening and tensing at any sound but it all seemed clear, and quiet, so quiet.
As I reached the end of the corridor, I started to hear voices and I waited listening, a male voice on the phone... I guessed with reception checking for Margot Sampson, laughter and a derisive comment about her probably being another cast off.
Somehow, with luck rather than direction, I was in the right place now I just had to get past this man. I peaked around the corner and could see the edge of a desk and beyond it a large double door, with a name plate... Dominic Genovese.I lean back against the wall, what do I do. As I mull over what to do a deep voice crackles through the intercom.
'Can you bring me in the Salinger file'
"Yes sir" the man gets up and crosses to another door, unlocking it and leaving his keys in the door, he opens it and heading inside and I know this is my only chance. I creep forward, pulling the door shut and locking it before rushing to the double doors and pushing them open.I can hear pounding on the door behind me but I'm frozen in place. My gaze locked on the man in front of me, who had risen at my abrupt entrance... his hand holding a gun!
"Who are you?" He snaps out, moving round the desk towards me, his gaze cataloging everything, the gun still clearly pointed at me.
"Who am I, you ruin my life and you don't even know who I am!" I shout.
"'I have no idea who you are and I know we have never met before so cut the crap, why are you here and how the hell did you get in?""You liar!" I shout at him, my rage returning as I step forward towards him, towards the gun but I don't care. "Kill me, you might as well, finish what you started, what the hell else do I have" I can feel myself breaking, hear the desolation in my own voice but nothing I can do is going to stop what happens next. I'm done.
I don't notice him lower the gun or tuck it into the back of his suit. As I sway, black spots crowding my vision and the the world turns and I am falling, falling...

That Bad Boy & That Bad Man Duet (Completed)
Short StoryThat Bad Boy Leo doesn't pretend to be anything he's not, but a chance encounter with a quiet librarian has him hot under the collar. He's used to beautiful women throwing themselves at him but she is the only woman he has ever been unable to forge...