A whole team of men in black had accompanied us to my apartment, I knew it was because Leo was being over protective, after Liam and his reaction earlier and Leo's worry he would try something again. It had however been silent and uneventful, with Leo helping me pack a bag while I got changed.
It had been strange to see him in my space, he was too big for it, not just his physical size but his presence. I had watched him as I changed, his gaze cataloguing everything, his attention eventually drawn to the pictures in the bookcase.
"My parents... and that's Roy" I tell him watching him search each image and he nods
"Where are you in these?" He asks and I look away.
"I took the photos, that was my thing" I explained but I could see he didn't like my answer."I'm ready" I tell him wanting to leave those thoughts behind "Will this do" I spin in a circle with my hands out to the side.
"You look beautiful" he growls coming closer and pulling me into his arms. His lips claiming mine and turning my brain to mush.
"Come on baby. Time to meet my parents" and he laughs at the panicked look that crosses my face.Half of the men in black came with us and the other half take my bags and leave, Leo promising me they would take them home for us.
The house Leo takes me too was like something out of the movies, it was huge, white, had columns and I could feel myself getting more nervous. Only the warmth of his hand holding mine kept me grounded. "They will love you" he reassures me as we stop. Releasing me only to get out and come round to open my door before taking my hand again and leading me towards the front door.
The door opens as we reached it and an older couple stand waiting to greet us. I recognise Luca from our call earlier, but it's the petite woman by his side I am drawn too.
"Maude, this is my mother Rowena and you met my father Luca on the call earlier"
"Hello" I whisper out and she smiles before stepping forward to hug me. "Welcome to our family, I know it's a lot to take in but we are very pleased Leo has found you" she tells me before guiding me inside, Leo and Luca following us.I can hear Leo talking to his father behind me but it's background noise as I take in the house I'm being guided through, everything is perfect.
"Watch out!" I hear shouted before two dogs come rushing around the corner, tangling in our legs, leaping at Leo, who is laughing as he greets them."Dom, I shut them out for a reason" Rowena scolds and my gaze lifts from Leo to see a slightly older version watching me. He grins at his mother before stepping forward, holding his hand out to me.
"Hello Maude, it's nice to see you again, I'm Dominic, his much better looking brother, please call me Dom" his smile is welcoming and I don't hesitate to put my hand in his, surprised when he pulls me into a hug, breaking away with a laugh as Leo growls at him to take his hands off me.
"Boys!" Rowena scolds again but I can see the smile on her face, this is natural to them, brothers teasing each other.The dogs realising the attention had moved from them, can over to investigate the new person. Wriggling around by my feet now, They were so cute, dachshund... giant dachshunds.
"Maude, this is Hades and Zeus, my little a boys" at the sound of their names the dogs get excited again but their distraction has broken the ice and as I bend to pet them, I can feel myself relax and smile.
"Come and help me get them settled, we have a while till dinner and we can chat whilst the boys do what they need to" Rowena says and I look up to see Leo and Dom having a silent conversation."Leo?" I give him a worried look, my gut telling me the conversation would be about me.
"Go with mum baby, I won't be long, I promise" he replies and I nod, watching him walk away with his father and brother. Rowena's hand on my arm bring my attention back to her.
"This way, come and tell me about yourself"
I follow her and the dogs as she leads me through to a warm kitchen, leaving the dogs with the housekeeper after making a fuss of them and giving them treats.
"I spoil them but they are my replacement children, now that the boys have moved out and are independent, you wait one day when your children leave home, you'll understand"
"I... I don't have any.." her laugh cuts me off.
"Not yet but you wait, I'm sure Leo will..." she waggles her eyebrows at me, laughing at my blush before telling me stories about the boys as children.When they join us we are laughing together and I watch with a smile as Luca comes in first moving straight to his wife's side before kissing her as if he has been away for ages, even though it's only been minutes.
Dom groans and teases them about inappropriate behaviour when there are guests, before Leo takes all my attention as he lifts me in his arms, kissing me before sitting back down, my face feeling on fire as I blush hotly at his actions but his family just smile or laugh.
The rest of the evening is relaxed and they share memories and draw me out with stories of my own early years. I know there are a couple of times Leo tenses as I talk about growing up but his soft squeeze of my hand reassured me he was okay. When we leave it is with a promise to meet Rowena soon for lunch to talk books.

That Bad Boy & That Bad Man Duet (Completed)
Short StoryThat Bad Boy Leo doesn't pretend to be anything he's not, but a chance encounter with a quiet librarian has him hot under the collar. He's used to beautiful women throwing themselves at him but she is the only woman he has ever been unable to forge...