That Bad Boy - 7. Leo

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We had stayed on the sofa for long enough for her to fall asleep in my arms, I had dozed but only until she had started moving, coming awake.  She had stretched as I was reminded how tiny she was.  She had silently peered up at me, our eyes locked on each other until her stomach grumbled, making me feel both guilty and energised. "Come on my love, let's feed you" I grin down at her.

She blushes red as I help her stand, my hand going to fasten her trousers and I smile, remembering how she had felt in my hand.

"Come on baby" I grin, taking her hand and leading her out of the library, not missing the look she gave the room before I was leading her to the kitchen. "Hop up" I indicate the stools around the island and place a glass of juice in front of her.

"What do you like to eat?" I ask, opening the fridge and looking inside, turning back to wait for her response.

"Umm, you're cooking?" she mumbles "I can..." she blushes again and I cross the kitchen to her side.

"Baby, I need to look after you, you are supposed to be resting and no stress, and I want to cook for you" I tell her.

"Okay" she whispers out.

"Is there anything you dislike eating, any allergies?"

"No, I don't think so, and no, no allergies"

I can feel her eyes on me as I move around the kitchen, sensing her nervous interest. I'm content to let her watch, as long as she's here with me.  I stop briefly to top up her juice, grinning as she blushes her thanks at me.

"Tell me about your job at the library?" I ask setting a plate down in front of her and joining her, enjoying her look of delight at the creamy pasta I had placed before her.

"Baby?" I prompt and she lets out a little laugh, shaking her head before taking her first bite.

"Mmm, Leo this is wonderful" she moans softly digging in and I have to adjust myself on the stool, my body reacting to the sounds she is making and both heart and mind swelling with pride that I was providing for my female.

Between bites she tells me about her job, her love of books, her work with the charity, I notice she skates around any mention of a friends and remember what she had said about her family.

"What do you do for fun?" I ask as I clear away, watching her fidget even as she thinks I am not looking.

"I read, and take walks in central park..." she stops as she sees my frown.  "What is it?"

"The park is not safe for a woman on her own" I take a deep breath, hating that I know the dangers that lurk there.

"Why?" she questions and I finish loading the dishwasher before turning back to her.

"Come with me" I hold my hand out, waiting, feeling relief as she put her hand in mine, letting me lead her through the house to my office, knowing this conversation could not happen in the library, I couldn't spoil that room for her...

Settling her into my desk chair "You know some of the rumours and I know I admitted it earlier, my family is powerful, we have both legal and illegal businesses that span nearly every type.  there is nothing that happens in this town we do not know about" I pause "There are things we do not condone and we will step in to stop, things that the police are powerless to handle, then there are the stupid chancers, muggers, these we leave to the police as a rule.  Those who exploit children, rapists, men who attack women, those tend to disappear if we find them, that is something my family wants no part of"

"But?" she questions softly.

"But we do have clubs... strip clubs, sex clubs, gambling, there are rules and the girls are protected and well paid, no one is forced" I look at her face, tensing at the sad look.

"And drugs?" she whispers.

"Yes, but again there are rules.  Growing up my grandfathers generations didn't care about who got hurt, Drugs, women, children... it was about the power, the money, at his passing my father and his brothers brought change. They stood against a lot of the old ways and whilst we cannot leave it all behind but we can manage it well"

"Do you sell to children?" I can hear the shake in her voice.

"No and we don't let anyone else within our territory either" I explain.

"Do you have people...kill people?" her question is almost silent and I move to crouch down in front of her. I am not going to lie, she deserves the truth, especially as I don't plan of letting her go, she needs to know what I am tying her into.

"Yes to both, I have given the order and I have pulled the trigger, it is something that I have done and will do again to protect my family.  Again its different now from grandfathers day, then you were lucky if you made it to adulthood, let alone old age, there was always someone out to get you, so it was shoot or get shot.  Now we talk first, and negotiate without guns when we can"

"Is that why you have so much security to keep you safe?"

The question takes me by surprise and I look up at her.  I can see the worry on her expressive face and hate that I put it there, but also glad, she hadn't run, not yet anyway.

"Yes and No, the security stops people getting too close as well" I groan, not knowing how she will take my next words "And to keep the women away, some see me as a challenge, a trophy, a bad boy and throw themselves at me"

I see the flicker of a smile and her eyes soften "Poor little bad boy" she grins, biting her lip before her expression sobers.  "Why me?"

I move a little closer, my eyes holding hers, my arms coming up to how her waist. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.  I close my eyes and your still there.  At the auction you captivated me, you stayed in my mind, long after I had left the building.  And then today, the screw up at my office, I hated to see you hurt but fate had brought you back to me and I'm keeping you"

"Leo?" her eyes widen at my words. "I'm not..." she looks down.

"Baby, look at me" I coax but she curls in on herself. I growl and scoop her up into my arms before sitting back down.

"Leo!" she gasps out, wriggling on my lap, stilling as she feels the evidence of my arousal under her soft bottom.

"I'm not girlfriend material, look at you... look at me" she huffs out a soft laugh "You are seen with supermodels, heiresses, not frumpy librarians"

"I'm not seen with them, they push their way to me, they are why I need security, the only people I am voluntarily seen with is my mother and family.  Those other women are not at my side by my choice.  But I want you to be... I need you to be" I wrap my arms around her and let her absorb the words.

"I'm a big girl" she whispers out "People will make comments, they already do"

I hold her closer, wanting to take the doubt and pain away. "You are curvy not fat, and I have a gun, I can deal with them" I whisper back, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"You can't kill everyone who calls me names" she turns her eyes up to me and I can't look away.

"Why not?" I counter with a grin and she finally smiles back at me.

"You really mean it" he gaze searches mine and I realise she is finally getting it and she smiles up at me.

"I'm going to kiss you now baby" I tell her, giving her time to object but she doesn't, her arms coming up to pull me closer instead.

"Yes please" she whispers seconds before my lips claim hers.

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