That Bad Man - 6. Dom

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I can see that she is fighting the connection that is blooming between us, she's unsure about what is happening and I know my revelations have shaken the foundation of everything she came her believing.

She had swayed in my arms when I had dropped a soft kiss to her forehead and I hadn't missed the shiver that had run through her.  I too wasn't sure what was happening but my whole soul, body and mind was screaming this girl was mine and i was going to go with it.

"Come now" I hold out a hand and wait, wondering what she will do, her hand slowing raising to mine is enough for me to grin before closing the distance and pulling her along behind me.

"My bag, my phone!" she pulls and I stop, feeling her tug and letting her go.

"You don't need them" I tell her, again mesmerised by the emotions crossing her face.  She's stubborn I realise with a grin, knowing she will argue this.  

Waving her across to where I left her bag on the table I watch her grab it and look around "My phone?"

"I will keep that, until I know more about what's going on" I tell her firmly, holding out my hand again.

"Mabel" I growl as she glares at me and it take all my skill to stop the smile when she takes a hesitant step towards me and retakes my hand.  "Good girl" I whisper, not missing the red flush that stains her cheeks at my words before leading her out.  Only pausing briefly to grab the case of files Leon had left for me before guiding her into the lift.

She stands silent beside me as we descend to the ground floor, the lift doors opening out to the low car park where my driver waits, with my security team.  Her step falters at the sight of them and I squeeze my hand gently to reassure her, pleased when she straightens up and follows easily, letting me help her into the car before sliding over to make space for me.

"Do you always?" she waves her free hand in the air, looking at my men around us.
"Its safer this way" I say, wondering if she would push for more but she stays quiet and I use the time to look at her.

The change in clothes had enhanced an already beautiful woman, and now she had got the fear of coming after me out of her system she looked less stressed, still more worried than I liked but I would get her there.  I let my mind wander as we travel, I wasn't looking for a life partner, even after Leo fell in love with Maude and seeing our cousin Viridian with her men.  I hadn't really thought about settling down, but five minutes with Mabel and I'm thinking of forever and now I had the opportunity to keep her until I get the situation with the Deering's sorted out, I would keep her safe.

I feel my private phone vibrate in my pocket and grin, I had wondered how long before someone called, pulling it free I see my mothers name on the screen "Mom, what can I do for you?"  I answer, feeling Maude jump at my words, through our connected hands.

"Dominic, come for lunch and bring the young lady, what is her name?" she says excitedly into my ear and I shake my head, smiling.

"How did you know?" I ask, feeling Mabel's gaze on me "and her name is Mabel" I add holding her gaze with my own, loving the blush and holding in a groan as she bites at her lip nervously.

"Your father told me, and I know you have left the office, now please come to lunch, Don't make me resort to chasing you down." she threatens and I laugh, knowing full well she would too.

"Okay, we will be there soon" I promise and laugh again as the line goes dead to the sound of her shouting instructions.

"Ted, take us to my fathers please" I use the intercom to let the driver know of our change of direction.

"Whats going on, why are we going to your fathers?" Mabel fidgets and tries to pull her hand from mine.  I reach out and catch her other hand, my fingers feeling her fluttering pulse.

"My mother would like to meet you, so we are going to join them for lunch" I tell her, watching as she starts to panic, shaking her head.

"No, no, why would she, I can't, no..." I listen to her mutter out the jumble of words and keep hold of her hands, her pulse has speed up and her gaze has left me as she searches for an escape route.  I know there isn't one but for a second my heart jumps at the thought of her getting way from me.

"Its okay, I promise they are just normal people"

She stare at me and huffs for a second before laughing at me, "No they are not, you are not, she's going to kill me, is that it, your taking me to her to get rid of me" her panic is rising and her breathing has become choppier and I do the only thing I can think of to bring her out of her panic attack... I kiss her.  Letting go of her hand, I bring mine up to control her head, holding her lips to mine as I coax her surrender.

She gasps before melting into my arms and kissing me back, her fists now gripping the front of my jacket as my hands angle her so I can deepen the kiss, one hand cupping the back of her head as the other circles her throat, feeling her pulse calming, I reluctantly pull back, entranced by the look of wonder on her face, her fingers coming up to touch her lips.

"No-one is going to kill you, no one is taking you away from me, you are mine" I growl out, my hand twisting in her hair,  holding her in place.  "Tell me you are mine" I demand and she shivers, flushing at the command in my voice.

"Its too fast, you don't know me and I don't know you" she argues and I grin, stubborn minx.  I lean in and gently kiss her lips, pulling back as she follows the contact.
"Tell me" I order and she huffs, eyes narrowing on mine.

"You're right I don't know you... yet but I feel you and I think you feel me too" I whisper out, leaning in to brush my cheek against hers softly, before nipping at her lobe.
"I don't know what you're doing to me, this is crazy" she stutters out, goosebumps covering her body.

"Tell me" I lower my tone and breathe into her neck, her natural scent surrounding me.
"I.  I'm yours" she gasps out and I'm kissing her again before she can say anything else.

It's the motion of the vehicle stopping that pulls us apart and I smile down into her glazed eyes, reclaiming her hand in mine just as the door is pulled open and my mother appears.

That Bad Boy & That Bad Man Duet (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now