That Bad Boy - 4. Maude

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As I wake three things hit me at once. One, I'm in a hospital.  Two, I feel like I've been mentally beaten and three someone or something is holding my hand.

I groan as I try to open my eyes but the light is too much "Too bright" I croak out and hear movement before the room darkens, allowing me to try again.

I try again to open my eyes, almost wishing I hadn't as Leo comes into focus and most of the events of the afternoon come back to me.

"Where am I?" I croak out, my mouth dry and he reaches for the water jug, pouring a little and offering to my lips, his arm coming round me to lift me slightly.

"Drink first" his warm voice orders and I comply.
"Do you get migraines often?" he asks carefully settling me back, his hand taking control of the bed remote and he raises the back so I am more upright.

"Yes, how did you know?"
"My brother reviewed the security footage, our mother suffers from them so he recognised the symptoms and your notebook confirmed it."

"How did I get here, where ever here is"
"You collapsed into my arms when I found out they were holding you... I am sorry, there was no excuse for what happened, the breakdown in communications was within our organisation and those involved have been dealt with" My eyes widened at his words and he chuckles, I know my expression is showing my thoughts. "Don't worry they are still alive, they are now all unemployed however"

"What, who... they were doing their jobs" I rush out and feel my heart jump at the smile on his face, god he's beautiful, lethal but beautiful.

"They did not do their jobs properly and you ended up in hospital, it could have been much worse, it would have been if I had got hold of them, instead my brother made the decision" he informs me softly.

"How many?" I whisper and he tilts his head no doubt wondering why I wants to know. "I should have posted them, that's what I organised for the other lots, so how many people lost their jobs because of my stupidity?" I explain.

He leans back, looking at me, his gaze assessing "Definitely three, possibly four, my PA who didn't inform me and forgot the message, the receptionist who should have followed it up and the security who failed to follow up or to monitor you while you were in their care"


"They made no checks to verify what you were saying beyond leaving a message with my office, they could have phoned the library, they should have followed it up with my office within the first hour" he pours me a little more water. "Drink, you were dehydrated which added to your migraine"

I take the glass, lifting it to my lips and taking a sip, knowing he's right.

"When did you last eat, or have a drink... before now" he asks carefully.

I groan, knowing my state was my fault "Dinner, early evening yesterday and some juice this morning before I left for work... I was busy and running late" I admit honestly and watch as his frown grows.

"You don't look after yourself" he mutters and I blush as he continues to stare at me and I feel the tension between us growing.

Knock Knock, the door opens to reveal an older man in a white coat, his smiling face putting me at ease as he come into the room, ignoring Leo. "Miss Deering, how are you feeling. I am Dr Cohen"

"Hello" I manage to croak out, bemused as he bustles around, checking my pulse and eyes, that part making me groan and Leo growl at my response. Dr Cohen laughs at him before turning back to me.

"Well that expected after your migraine attack, we've given you some fluids and I recommend rest in a stress free environment for at least 48 hours, no driving, no using your phone or a computer, rest" he stresses and I sigh, wondering how I am going to do that, I had far to much to do.

"I'll look after her Doc" Leo tells him, making the doctor grin as I start objecting.

"No Leo, that's crazy, I need to go home, I can look after myself" i pause realising I still don't know where I am and that I haven't phoned the library...


"I called them and let them know you had been taken ill, delivering the books, they are aware" he answers.

"Where am I?" I stare at Leo only vaguely aware of the doctor leaving us.

"Dr Cohen is our family doctor, this is his private clinic"

"Why bring me here and not to a normal hospital?" I ask, almost feeling scared of the answer as his gaze holds mine and something flares in his eyes.

"You became ill whilst in our care, a hospital may have asked questions, our protocols were not followed, it was our fault" he answered smoothly and though I thought his words were the truth, my gut was telling me he was holding something back.

"I can go home?"

He narrowed his eyes "Do you have someone at home who can look after you?"

I swallowed, my brain racing to find an answer he would accept "Yes?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" he growled back and i glared back at him, what business was it of his. Already dealing with him, and his books today had brought me pain, I needed to get away.

"Yes" I said more forcefully, hiding the lie. But I look down, unable to hold his gaze.

"Okay I will take you home, I just need you to tell me what happened today from when you got to the building" I risked a quick glance at his face but he was looking at his phone, tapping out a message before looking back at me. "What happened?" he asked again softly.

I explain everything from leaving my office to him opening the door, he sits in silence as I talk but I know the bits that affect him, his grip around his phone gets tighter and the air of menace in the room grows.

"Who is at home for you?" he holds up his hand as I start to speak "The truth Maude"

I look down at my hands, twisting them together, suddenly too tired to fight him.  "No-one" I whisper out, taking a breath before I continue "My parents... died a year ago, car crash, I moved here to get away from the memories, the constant reminders that they had gone"

"No other family?" he took my hand in his and his thumb stroked across my pulse point.


"Boyfriend, Lover?" his grip on my wrist tightens, shackling me but its not an unpleasant feeling and my pulse races.

"No" I give a slight shake to my head and feel my whole body heat embarrassed at his question.

"Don't worry, I will look after you" he tells me softly, his thumb resuming its stroke over my wrist.

"Leo... I will be okay, I will rest at home, I promise, I will just sleep" I rush out but he just laughs at me.

"You are right, you will rest at home as per the doctors orders, now let me go and find your clothes and get you checked out"

I watch as he grins, before leaving me and shutting the door behind him, leaving me wondering just who Leo really was. A threat or my protector?

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