That Bad Man - 11. Leo

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Dad and Dom were waiting for me in the conference room with the rest of the team after three days of planning we were making a move. 
Roy Deering and his cartel buddies wouldn't know what had hit them after today, We had given the police a chance to deal with it and they had pulled back, not enough information since their informant was killed, despite the reports we had sent them, when Deering had come after Mabel again, Dom had put his foot down. So now it was our turn.

Maude and I had returned from our honeymoon to find Dom engaged to Mabel, and determind to both protect and avenge her.  Dad had warned us to proceed carefully but agreed with the police dragging their heels it could not be left much longer, they had a wedding to plan and i knew mum would be chomping at the bit to get everything in place, the current situation would be hampering that, and an unhappy mother led to a very reactive dad!

Roy Deering had been clever pointing the finger of blame for Mabel's attacks at Dom, it meant the police had watching Dom, rather than the actual issue of the cartel running drugs and guns through Deering's.

When we had returned I had been pissed that they had kept what was happening from me, but after my initial flare of anger, i could see what they had done it, the problems would not taint the memories we had made on our honeymoon.

I had shown Maude all the evidence, knowing this was her 'brother' we would be taking down but after talking to Mabel she had given us her support. She had told me there was no real connection between Roy and her and that had fractured more on her parents death. She wanted nothing to do with him or the business, even though we had found evidence she should have received half shares in it from her parents will, not the paltry amount Roy had told her about.

Maude was with mum and Mabel, secure at home, while we dealt with the issues and I was glad, Maude had been sick this morning and I suspected I knew why, but was waiting for her to come to the same conclusion. If what I thought was true then we had to get this all sorted soon, I would not allow her to have any stress or worries.

"You ready?" I ask Dom, watching Dad talk to the men.
"Yes, you?"
"Born ready" I laugh back at him, noting how happy he looks, despite the upcoming fight "She's good for you, Mabel...I'm glad you found her" I add and he nods.
"Thanks, and Maude, the two of you came back to all this mess, you doing okay"
"We are, we talked about him and she's made up her mind. I know Mabel and her had a long discussion about what happened after Roy took over. She feels guilty that she lets Mabel down but also realises she didn't know what was happening so its not her fault, she trusted her 'brother' and he is the one at blame, the one who needs to pay.  She wont consider taking the business back on and has told me to just deal with it, we can merge it into an existing part of the company, she would be happy with that.  I'll donate the value into the literary charity she loves"
"I want Deering," Dom growls "He arranged for Mabel to be beaten, then he tried to kill her when she was with me, he's mine, wether he knew or not, I don't care" he tells me and I nod.
"Agreed, just make sure dad knows to leave him for you"

Dad calls us all to attention and then runs through the plan, his intelligence has alerted him to a party at Deerings home, the cartel will be out in force and the three main teams will hit that led by Dad, Dom and I, while another four teams hit select locations. 
We had new management ready to step into the leadership of the businesses, we had the accounts both business and personal and all their communications.  By the end of the day, all the staff would be gone or would work for us.
It was time.

Dad came over and joined us, watching silently as we checked our weapons, a grin of approval the only acknowledgement we got, until he put a hand on each of our shoulders.
"Don't take risks out there, I need to return you to your wives in one piece or your mother will kill me."
"Yes sir" we both reply with a nod.
"Deering's Mine!" Dom mutters and Dad smiles before addressing the rest of the room.
"Roy Deering is Dominic's, if he runs, take him down but he's not to be killed by anyone else"
Choruses of 'yes sir' echo back at us and then Dad leads us out.

The fight was over really before it had even started.  The side gate had been left unlocked by our inside man, an old employee who had worked for Maude's parents but was treated as a servant by Roy, his wife and her extended family.  He had supplied plans showing us what was where so we silently moved through the estate, taking out each threat we came across. 

Both Dom and I now sported split knuckles and were splattered in some blood but we forged on. Finally we found Deering and Sophia laying around the pool, this was where the real fight started, her family pulled guns but were taken out quickly, our teams taking flanking positions as Dom approached Roy, Sophia grabbing a knife as Dom passed her, her arm swinging to stab him in the back, two shots hitting her before she could ever find her target, mine and Dads, bringing her to the ground in a pool of blood, sightless eyes staring towards her soon to be dead husband.
Dom ignoring the commotion as he knew we would have his back as he approached Roy who was cowering back against the wall.
The rest of Sophia's family engaging with our men, knives and fists flying but they had it all under control and soon we were surrounded by bodies, either kneeling in submission or dead.

Dom dragging a now beaten Roy over and throwing her down in front of us. His gaze coming up to mine before he kicked Roy "Tell him" he ordered.
"I..." his gaze skittered around the courtyard seeing the dead and bleeding "I killed them, I would have killed Maude to, if I could have got away with it, but she backed off, out of sight, out of mind. They were going to cut me out and leave it all to her, bit..." the sound of the single shot echoing around us and I realised I had taken Dom's request. I look at him and he nods.
"It was yours as soon as i knew what he had planned, I beat him for Mabel, you killed him for Maude" he tells me and I reach out to grasp his offered forearm.
Dad wanders over to check in with the rest of the teams, they had rounded up the last of the living and were questioning them, Dad would have the final call, but it looked like most were staff, none of her family had survived.
Cory appeared with a bag and searched Sophia and Roy's removing any jewellery and wallets before moving onto the next body. Once he was done out here he would comb through the whole house, removing anything that could be redistributed without ties back to the property. That wealth would then be distributed to worthy causes and once we were gone a clean up crew would come in and raise the house to the ground, bodies and all. There would be nothing for anyone to find, not even forensics.

Back at the cars we all donned overalls over our clothes and shoes, heading back to our office building where a clean area waited in the basement, all of our clothes going straight into an incinerator on our way to showers, then into clean clothes.
"Let's go home" Dad mutters pulling on a jacket and we both nod, each of us thinking of the woman waiting at home for them.

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