Chapter 7

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Third pov

Autumn eyes fluttered open slowly that next morning, her memories from the previous day were a little slow coming back to her when she panicked a bit, not really recognizing the room at first. Taking a few deep breaths autumn looked around at the room her new skeleton friends lend to her last night. It was a plain room, thick white paint covering the walls, a soft, plush twin bed with blankets the soft color of beige. Autumn yawned softly with a small strech, throwing her feet over the edge of the bed on to plush carpet.  After a final look around, autumn pushed herself off the edge of her bed, rushing off to find a nearby bathroom so she could get ready for the day.

Poking her head out in to the middle of the hallway, autumn looked left and right to make sure the cost was clear. Once she saw no skeletons, autumn slowly crept out in to the hallways. Might as well get her curiosity out of the way and explore around the house a bit should she not?  The hallways of this house were quite long, it was strange really, the house didn't look all the large on the outside, but on the inside it was like they were all living in a mansion, it was like magic.

Autumn smiled to her self when she finally found the bathroom, gently, she pushes the door open and steps inside, looking all around after she closed and locked the door behind her, it was a rather lovely bathroom too. Decent size bathtub with different varieties of shampoo and conditioner for whatever reason, they were skeletons, why would they need hair stuff? The body wash autumn could understand, but hair care? What silly skeletons.

After a quick observation, autumn pulled the hot water on for a moment, letting it get all heated up, then mixing in a bit of cold water to make it some what lukewarm but mostly warm. After turning the water off, she slowly got herself in to the tub, washing her hair and body of dirt, before getting back out again, she didn't really know what to do after, she doesn't have any clean clothes, all of them were still at her old home...along with her stuffed rabbit and wagon. She need to get those back before anything else really happens.

She slipped the clothes she had on yesterday, ignoring the fact they were dirty. She'll put clean ones on later after she gets her previous belongings back. Quickly tiptoeing down the hallway, she halts at a room placed by the top of the stair. A white clipboard hung on the wall beside it with ' sans ' written on it. ' this must be sans's room' autumn thought to herself before tiptoeing down towards the kitchen doorway. Autumn slightly poked her head in, looking around for any skeletons, again none were to be seen, happy with the result autumn rushed over to the kitchen counter where different fruit lied, apples, bananas, oranges. She honestly couldn't decide what she wanted, so sje covered her eyes, moved her hand over the fruit, moving it back and forth for a few seconds, shortly after her hand halts. A banana, that was her choice of breakfast today, with a bright smile she gently picks up the banana as quietly and as quickly as she could. After discarding the peel in to the trash, she sat on the kitchen floor by the backdoors sliding glass door, their back yard was a very decent size as well, lots of flowers and bushes. A medium sized garden by the right side a little ways in the back.  Autumns eyes sparkled a bit as she noticed a swing hanging from one of the trees that had grew in the back yard. ' a swing! I've never been on a swing before! I've always wanted to try!' autumn sighed a little after finishing up her breakfast, after standing back up again, her soft feet pitter Patters over to the front door.

Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the main lock, then the lower lock, turning the knob a bit she paused....maybe going back over by herself isn't a good idea...her new friends might get worried or upset with her if she did... autumn shook her head and pulled the door wide open. Exiting the house after closing it back shit again. ' I'm sure it won't take long, after all my old family wants me to take my stuff out of the house anyway' she thought while rushing over towards the road, looking to one side then to the other autumn crossed over.

Upon arriving with doomfanger,  who joined autumns side shortly after she left the skeletons brothers home, autumn spotted her wagon sitting by the garage door, along side with her other belongings she had. Some oversized hoodies, pants, socks, shoes and other clothing. Doom meowed up at autumn, making her smile and pat his head, the black cat jumped up in to the girls wagon, on top of all of her clothes, laying himself down next to her favorite stuffed rabbit. ' at least they let me keep my stuffed rabbit grandma gave me'

Making sure everything was there, autumn picked the wagon up by it's handle, kissed her old home goodbye, then shortly after began making her way back to her new home, once more making sure the road was clear of cars. Autumn smiled happily when she saw those familiar skeletons walking up the side walk, dressed in different workout outfits. They all looked so silly! Autumn stood at in the middle of the side walk in front of the lodge like home, waiting for them to arrive fully. Papyrus stopped on his heels, blinking at autumn for a moment with a confused smile.

" AUTUMN? WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUTSIDE? YOU SHOULD BE IN BED RESTING UP!" He spoke kneeling down in front of her, more then likely making sure she had no new injuries. During this time blue, edge, pumpkin and black showed up behind him, all of them looking just as confused. Edge tilts his head when he noticed the wagon full of not only her clothes, but his black cat as well. " ARE THESE YOUR CLOTHES?" he asked, a hint of disgust filling his tone, autumn looked over at her wagon before giving him a short nod. He crosse her arms over his chest, mumbling something's under his breath as he glared over towards her old home. Black scoffed, while he reached for out for her hand, doomfanger jumped on to his paws and hissed at him, making him jump back a bit out of shock. Autumn quietly scolded the cat while edge laughed his ass off, blue joining in while papyrus shook his head with amusement. Shortly after the lot of them went back inside, abandoning the wagon inside of the garage after autumns clothes were brought back inside.Autumn smiled at doom, patting his head once more before heading over towards her skeleton friends.

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