(1) someday

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It's the next day for school and I'm walking with Bree. As Addison said she needed to talk to Bucky.

"Cheer season is here cheer followers. So let's rally our cheer leaders, at the pep rally today." Principal lee said on the intercom.

Bree went ahead to class as me and Addison went to the basement.

"Woah woah woah. No human students are allowed down here at the basement. The zombie janitor/teacher told us. Causing zed and everyone to look at us.

"Uh, someone yakked in the cafeteria." Addison made an excuse.

"Oh right...still the janitor." He said.

I looked up at zed to see that he has a sad yet disappointed face as he looked at us.

I wonder how they met...

Zed walked up to us.

"Wow This is... awful." I said.

"Yeah well, we would've cleaned, but the teacher is territorial about his mop." A girl said from behind zed.

"I'm sorry." Addison told the janitor as he left

"It's fine." He told us.

"Addison, y/n, what are you doing here." He said clearly not buying the hole "someone yakked" thing.

"Apologizing." We both said.

"My cousin, he's a jerk about zombies. And last night was cheer initiation." Addison explained.

"Not that that's a good excuse." I said looking down.

"I'm so sorry." I said with my head still down.

"Well what if Bucky sees us talking." Zed asked us.

"We'll make sure he doesn't." Addison said as she chuckled.

I was still looking down disappointed.

"Hey y/n cheer up. I forgive you guys." Zed said smiling making me smile.

"Um. See you at the pep rally this afternoon?" Addison asked.

"Zombies don't do pep rallies." The same girl said.

"We'll think about it." Zed said as me and Addison smiled and walked out of the basement.

(Ok btw zed isn't the love interest. You find it in book 2. :) )

All of us cheer leader where currently getting ready for the pep rally.

"There are zombies at the pep rally!" Bree yelled as she looked out the door.

Me and Addison smiled and ran over to see if it's true. And...it is!

"They wouldn't dare." I heard Bucky say as he looked over at them too.

"Stacy, lacey, Tracey. Bust out the spirit sticks." Bucky said making me, Bree, and Addison make eye contact.

We got up and went to get out pom poms and headed out to start cheering.

"Wahoo!" I cheered as I ran in looking at the zombies with a smile.

Everyone started chanting Bucky and he jumped through a huge poster of him and he did jazz hands.

"Welcome to the Seabrook high cheer rally!" He called making everyone cheer.

Bucky did a hand motion making them all get quiet.

"This is gonna be a great year, we're gonna win the state cheer championship, again." He said making everyone go wild.

Then we started our cheer.

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