(3) ain't no doubt about it

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"we have many advancements to share with your primitive people. We even created a digestible, bacterial, fermentation of lactose, at sub zero stasis." A-li said as we walked in the halls.

"Whoa." Wynter said with her mouth agape.

"Froyo, yeah we got that too." Wyatt said smiling at A-li.

I have to say I'm jealous. I mean he doesn't even know her and he's smiling at her.

"Impressive." A-li told him.


"If your here to invade Seabrook, our pack won't go down without a fight." Willa said.

Thank God someones telling them.

"We do not want your one-star planet. They are so emotional." A-li said to Willa.

Me and wynter gasp.

Excuse me?

"Yes, but when in Seabrook, I'm going to disengage our emotional suppressors. Personally, I'm excited to see what emotions feel like." The one that's names A-spen said.

Then they did something with their wrist.

"E-excited! That's an emotion, it feel so exciting!" A-spen said.

"We've decided to let you stay untill after the cheer competition. But, not a day later." Addison's mom informed them.

"Thank you, mayor. We are honored to join your cheer competition." A-spen said as A-li looked confused.

"What is cheer." A-li asked.

"Oh, don't worry we'll show you later." Addison said as she pulled me next to her.

I looked at Wyatt and gave him a stern face before walking off.

"Wait, y/n. Wait!" Wyatt shouted as he followed me.

"What, Wyatt." I said turning around.

"Why did you look at me like that." He said worried.

"Nothing just go smile and talk to A-li." I said turning around.

"Are you for real jealous over her?" He said getting in front of me.

"Maybe I am." I said folding my arms.

"Well, don't be. Cause I love you, y/n. You." He said putting his hands on my cheeks raising my head.

"I love you too." I said smiling as he leaned in and kissed me.

Of course I kissed back.
Addison pov

"Yo." Zed said walking out of his house.

"Hi, aren't the aliens amazing, they have a non- hierarchical approach to leadership. Their fashion-forward peaceful people." I told him.

"Okay, well, they did kind of blow up Seabrook. Right." He replied.

"Well, it was an accident, zed. I mean, imagine the courage needed, to come to another planet. I mean, I'm just nervous about going away to college alone." I replied. Oop.

He looked down.

"Well, not alone. With you." I replied as I saw him smile a little.

"Right. I am so getting into mountain college, and we will be together forever." He said making me smile.

And I kissed his cheek.

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