(2) I'm winning

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"it's election day Seabrook! We have an assembly to hear from our presidential candidates, and it is going to be so good to see you all!" Principal lee announced.

Everyone started talking about how good Addison's style was today as I was next to her.

"Wow, bad hair day." Lacey said as the acey's walked up to us.

"Bad hair life." Stacey said.

"I think it looks great." Addison told them.

"Hmm. Not so much." Jacey said as they snapped their fingers.

"Addison if you ever expect to be cheer captain-" lacey started as Addison cut her off.

"Well maybe I don't. Maybe the cheer team is t for me at all." Addison spat back. Making the acey's gasp and walk away.

"Addison." Zed said running up to us.

"Well I'll see you later. You guys talk." I said as we hugged and I walked down the hall.
I'm at the election but I don't pay attention to anything as I just saw Eliza and zed talking about the moonstone that zed stole from Addison.

If he really cared about her, he would let her find her place. Not take it from her.

Bucky- it is my mission.

Acey's- we got a goal in mind.

Bucky- save our tradition.

Acey's- that is the bottom line.

Bucky- we're always winning.

Acey's- look how the trophies shine.

Bucky- your going down, bury you back underground.

Zed- I'm the one who stands up for the people, I embrace diversity, treat everyone as equal.

Eliza- zed is thoughtful, he's a natural born leader, and if you think about, Bucky is neither.

Bucky- yo, I will win this race. I'm a cheer rockstar, mirrors love my face.

Zed- your ego made your head so big, you can't see. You got no shot, to beat me. (Ooh)

Bucky & acey's- I know you hear me, if you with me stand up.

Zed & eliza- no way you win, if you go against us.

Bucky & acey's- in pictures, we're more, glamorous.

Zed- you wanna battle with the best, good luck.

All- let's go!

Zed- you need a leader, who looks out for the crowd.

Bucky- then I'm winning, someone that'll make you proud.

Zed- then I'm winning.

All- there through the ups and downs. I'm winning. Let me here you scream it loud, I'm winning.

Zed- I challenge an old way of thinking.

Bucky- yo, I know I'd be a much better president.

Acey's- tell him your reasons.

Bucky- I'm a real human, there's no danger in that. Their real monsters, what if they turn back.

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