(3) nothing but love

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Everyone was connecting cables as I stayed with Wyatt and robo Eliza.

Bonzo came up and clipped it on to the moonstone.

Wyatt turned around and clipped it onto robo Eliza and it started sparking making us back up.

"I told you, wolf tech doesn't play nice, babe." Wyatt said pointing his finger at me.

"Well I never experienced it." I said as a matter of fact.

"Then we're gonna need a organic conduit between the moonstone and the mother ship." Eliza told us.

A-lan then clipped the last wire and walked towards Addison.

"Only our people can connect to the this stardust reactor. But unfortunately, the moonstones power is lethal to us. But you being half human, might just work. You'll be a living bridge." A-lan explained while talking to Addison.

"Addison can do it." Willa said.

"Yes, she's an alien." A-spen started.

"And a cheerleader." Bree continued.

"And apart of our pack." Wyatt finished with his arms draped over my shoulders.

"You were born for this." Zed stated.

She grabbed ahold of one of the stick things.

"Ready?" Zed asked and she nodded grabbing the other causing sparks to surround her.

"Ah!" She yelled but held tight.

She then let go of one causing the ship to shut down again.

"I couldn't hold on! It's to much power!" Addison shouted.

"We must reestablish the connection now, or all is lost." A-lan told her.

Then zed ran up and grabbed the stick.

"Take my hand, the power will flow through me." Zed said handing out his hand.

"You'll be fried in a minute." Addison said panicking.

"It's going to be okay." Zed reassured her.

"Their so cute. Even in a situation like this." I said to Wyatt.

"Yeah, but I would say we're cuter." Wyatt said squeezing me.

"No, they are." I said laughing bit stopped when I saw that Addison had grabbed his hand and the sparks started happening again while zed was zombieing out, trying to hold on.

I held on to Wyatt as to not get hit with the sparks.

Then zed let go and collapsed onto Addison's side trying to catch his breath.

Then all the lights turned back on.

They did it!

"Were at full charge." A-spen shouted.

"Mama's back." The mother ship said as everyone cheered.

"We must launch now!" A-spen said.

Wyatt picked me up bridal style and ran us over to the beam station thing.

And we were beamed out.

And we stayed there waiting for zed.

And waiting for my best friend to leave me.

I saw zed get beamed down and he had tears in his eyes.

"I can't watch." I said as I turned and cried into Wyatt's shirt as he held we kissing my head.

And the the ship took off...

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