(3) exceptional zed

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Eliza pov

"attention everyone! If zed can prove that monsters are exceptional, doors will open for all of us." I told them.

"Your gonna ace your driver's test zom-boo. But right now,focus, zed needs us." Bree said as she pushed the book he was reading into him.

"Alright, everyone listen up. We only get one shot. Zeds interviewer, Mrs.crabtree, is gonna be here in an hour." I said.

Bonzo said something in zombie while pointing.

"Who's early?" I asked as I saw Mrs.crabtree.

"Uh, oh." I said.
Y/n pov

"Your making history today, zed. First zombie to even get an interview for college." Wynter told him.

"Hey, you show them what monsters can do." Wyatt said snaking his arms around my waist resting his head on mine.

"Right, I am going to slay her will my killer zombie charm." Zed said with confidence.

"Yeah." Willa agreed.

"Or not, probably not, we will see." Zed said his confidence dropping.

Bonzo and Bree came running toward us and bonzo said something in zombie while out of breath.

"What. She's early." Zed told us.

Zed- I'm kinda freaking out, but not in the best way. More like a heart being out my chest cause Im stressed way.

Wynter- your the best football player, that I've ever seen.

Bree- you'll be fine, your a charismatic green machine.

Zed- what if your wrong, and I bomb this interview.

Bonzo- zog zig zrog Ziggy Ziggy zog.

Zed- true but what if that's not enough.

Y/n- you've united these creatures.

Wyatt- you have the heart of a wolf.

Willa- your a leader.

Zed- I hate to say that I'm nervous, how do I prove I deserve this. I'm trying to be a perfect zombie. And everybody's counting on me.

Zed- I'm exceptional zed. To all my family and friends. So I just gotta forget the doubts, and get up out of my head.

Zed- Cause I'm exceptional zed. I'm out here doing my best. Today I got to be good to go, so I'll say it over again. I'm exceptional zed.(I guess).

Zed- time to live up to the hype.

Principal lee- the world's your, you can change it.

Coach- thanks to you I moved out.

Coach's mom- now I live in his basement.

Zed- I've had so many failure's.

Addison's dad- you've had more success's.

Addison's mom- I'm mayor wells, and I approve this message.

Zed- am I really that great?

Acey's- Incase you forgot, you've changed the whole school.

Bucky- whether I like it or not.

Coach- your smart, you work hard, you can make it all happen.

Principal lee- you speak zombie, and that's a dead language, like latin.

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