(2) call to the wild

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"hey addy." I said as I came to her house so we could study together.

"Hey, hold up I gotta text Bree real quick." She replied as I sat my stuff down and sat down.

"Once Addison but her phone down and took a sip of her drink we heard scratching outside.

"Hello? Zed?" Addison said as she got up and I followed her.

We opened the door to find no one there.

I turned and saw claw marks.

"Addy..." I softly said and showed her.

She gasped and put her hot coco down.

We looked back at the door and saw the wolves.

Wyatt looked stunned to see me there too.

"Come with us." The one I've come to know as willa told us, not caring I'm there.

"What's so important?" Addison asked.

"You are." Wyatt told her, but looked at me and smiled. Making me smile too.

Me and Addison then followed the wolves through the forest.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"It's a wolf secret, that if we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter told me as I looked at her scared along with Addison. Wyatt looked mad at that sentence wynter said, but didn't say anything about it.

"Too much, too much, I knew it. Sorry." Wynter said hitting her head.

"Hey, don't hit your head. You fine." I said taking her hands off of her head.

"Welcome!" Wynter said happily.

"But not to welcome!" Wynter said growling at Addison.

She then started coughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked her worried.

"My necklace is losing it's charge." Wynter softly told me.

I brought her into a small hug.

"Every day, more and more of our pack, becomes sick, because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are to sick to travel, which leaves-" Wyatt said getting cut off by Willa.

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me." She said softly.

"You'll be fine wynter. I promise." Willa said walking up to winter and putting her hand on wynters shoulder.

"You'd better be right about this." Willa said why'll looking at Wyatt.

"We need to find the moonstone soon." Willa said as her and wynter started walking.

"Follow us, y/n. Addison. Please." Wyatt said putting his hand on my shoulder. As we hurried and followed them.

Then we went inside some cave. Must be their den.

"The wolf den!" Wynter cheered happily.

"Wow." Me and Addison said.

"It's okay to be impressed." Wynter told us with a smile. I smiled back.

"Our language. (Awoo) Addison and y/n. That's means welcome." Wyatt said and Addison tried.

"(Awoo)." She said making all the wolves laugh.

"Ostrich boots?" Wynter asked.

"No I think Addison means (Awoo)." Wyatt said.

Addison copied again making everyone laugh. Again.

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