(1) BAMM

915 18 12

The game was starting

As I was with Addison and the squad, zed was giving his team a pep talk which I can not hear at all.

Once the game started zed got tackled.

"Oh, zombies down! 5,6,7,8." Bucky cheered.

Me and Addison had to cheer to so we did along with the squad.

"Well it's third and long for Seabrook. Really long. Yep, the mighty shrimp are doing what they do best. Losing." The game announcer said through the intercom.

"Come on zed." Addison said clearly worried.

And again zed got tackled at the start of the game. The crowd was "oh" like they could fell his pain from that one.

And again the other team scared while zed was still on the ground not moving.

The coach had taken the team to give them a "pep talk" and while that was happening me and Addison along with Bree are standing here waiting, as Addison looked stressed out over zed losing.

They blew the whistle so we started cheering for Seabrook. "Go Seabrook! Woo!" We cheered.

While the team was in a huddle zed was so hyped but the team just walked away.

I feel bad for zed.

I was paying close attention to zed and I saw him touch his z band and his veins started showing.

Is that his strategy to win?!

He busted through all the players who were coming towards him and scored.

"Go zed!" Addison cheered hopping up and down and I decided to cheer with her.

"Wahoo! Go zed!" I cheered.

"Dumb luck." Bucky said clearly not happy.

"Yeah! That's my son!" I heard zeds dad yell.

Now they propped the football on the ground and zed kicked it through the goal post.

"AH! Go zed!" Me and Addison cheered as the crowd went wild.

The scores were 7 to 22. Shrimp being the 7.

Bucky had the acey's and the rest of the team stop cheering. He had this huge horn thing.

I took the horn as Addison followed me.

"Feel that breeze, it's not a sneeze, zombies score and run with ease!" Me and Addison cheered through it as we looked at the audience.

The crowd started cheering.

"Uh, what are you doing." Bucky asked us as he took the horn back.

"Cheering." I told him as I walked back to my stance but Bucky and Addison continued to talk.

And now zed scored a touchdown.

"Seabrook wins! Wow, a win!" The game announcer cheered.

"Yes!" I cheered as me and Addison hugged.

Addison dropped her pom poms and ran over to zed while I stayed here.

Bucky looked really mad. Like he was staring at Addison burning a hole right through her head, as she hugged zed.

"What are you looking at bucko?" (Yes I meant bucko)

"Why is she talking and hugging that zombie." He said in disgust.

"Cause she can. And he's not just "some zombie". He's a football star and a student just like us." I said as I turned around and flipped my hair in his face and walked off with Bree.
Next day

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