Chapter 1

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At Be on cloud building...

Whole Kinnporsche cast are gathering for practice then P Pond suddenly come and greet them with big smiles on his face.. Good morning kids! *said P pond while walking with some food in his hands.. Good morning p pond.. *p thong answer it while taking the food from p pond.. What are you doing here early this morning p pond? Suddenly Jeff and Barcode join in.. Yes p.. *said Jeff.. What are you doing here.. Apo also join with Bible and Build while Mile is nowhere to be seen.. P pond look at his kids and say.. Im here to watching you guys practise.. Our world tour is getting near the corner.. Then Apo sit on the floor along with Bible.. Bible then notice Apo face look gloomy.. P po.. Are you ok.. Asked Bible with slow voice.. Yes.. Im fine*said apo with slow voice too.. Suddenly Mile burst inside the room with jealous face.. Ohh.. Just look at you two.. Being lovey dovey here.. While mocking Bible and Apo.. Bible then look at Mile with confuse face.. What happen to you P Mile.. Suddenly Build join and look at Mile.. P mile.. *said Build with slow voice too.. I don't know whats going on between you and Apo.. But please.. Settle it nicely... Apo then stand up and hold Mile hands gently.. P.. Theres nothing going on between me and nong Bible.. We are like brothers.. We worked as a family remember? Mile roll his eyes and push Apo's hand away.. You know what Apo... Actually.. Bible already had those feelings to you.. But.. You are too stupid to notice it.. Bible who hear that words... Suddenly get up and push Mile roughly.. Then.. What the hell is wrong with it?! Jeff who stand there quietly.. Suddenly interfere.. Bible.. Language please! Said Jeff with serious tone.. Apo who stare at Mile with sad face suddenly leave the room... Barcode who sit there without saying anything finally speak up.. P Mile.. You know P Apo always love you right.. Why you behave like this all of a sudden huh? Bible who already about to leave the room and look at Mile with anger.. One more time if i hear you say like that again P.. I won't forgive you.. *said Bible with serious tone and leave the room.. While others remain silent..

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