Chapter 12

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15 minutes later...

Bible.. Apo.. Jeff and Barcode arrive at Be on cloud building... Jeff open the door and let 3 of them come in... Suddenly P thong who already feel worry hug Apo and Bible... My God.. Apo.. Are you ok na.. *ask P thong with worry voice... Apo nod his head and take P thong hand and put on his stomach while look at P thong with big smile on his face... Nodt who is already there suddenly hug Apo and pat his back.. Godness.. Congrats na Apo... Mile who just observed quietly.. Stand beside Bas and shake hands with Apo.. Well congratulations na... Apo who feels uneasy.. Quickly pull out his hand from Mile.. Thanks na P Mile... Job hug Apo and kiss Apo stomach... Bible who see that suddenly hit Job head.. Never ever do it infront of me.. Understand? Apo shake his head and hug Bible arms tightly.. Pong.. Us and Jj also join to congratulate Apo along with Ta and Perth.. Meanwhile P Pond burst out into the room quickly run towards Apo and hug both Apo and Bible.. My God.. Finally i can have a grand children! Bible pull Apo away from P pond... Please P pond.. Stop yelling ok.. My babies will be deaf.. God.. Build hug Apo and Bible and congratulate them as well... Mile then speak up.. Well its already late.. I need to go now... While speak in his heart... (just wait Apo... Your happiness wont last long.. Bible will leave you forever.. Just wait and see).. Mile leave the room with smirk appear on his face... Mile arrive at the car park and get inside a car then take out his phone and dial a number... Hello.. I have something for you guys to do... Of course.. I will pay you double... If only you succeed... Say Mile with cold tone voice and hung up the phone.. You are mine Apo... That baby should be mine.. Not belong to that bastard Bible... *say Mile with anger and drive back home..

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