Chapter 22

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Next morning....
Bible wake up and notice Apo isn't beside him... Bible go to the bathroom and start to shower... Meanwhile Apo is busy at the kitchen.. Suddenly.. There's a door bell rings.. Apo turn off the stove and walk slowly to the front door and open the door.. And see Dr Mia coming with a present.. Apo welcome her to come inside.. Dr Mia smile at Apo while help Apo to sit down... Then.. Bible who is just done shower see Dr Mia with Apo.. Come and join them at the living room... Bible then sit beside Apo while rubbing his husband belly gently... Apo then serve the drink to Dr Mia.. Dr Mia sigh while shake her head then starts to talk to Apo... Nong Apo... You should stop moving too much na... Your pregnancy is 9 months already... The babies is ready to be born anytime soon.. You need to prepare your self... Ooh.. And here.. Dr Mia suddenly take out something from a paper bag... Its a babies stuff... Since you will have baby girl and baby boy... I really hope that you both will like it... Bible take the present from Mia and put aside then reply.. Thank you so much.. You shouldn't have... But.. Does your boyfriend knows that you are here with us? Apo then answer.. Im just about to ask the same thing.. Dr Mia then answer... Yes he knows.. Bible.. and Apo.. Dr John send his regards to you both.. He wish that Apo will give birth to the babies safely... Apo smile then reply.. Aww... Thank you so much... Please send our regards to him as well na... Dr Mia suddenly remember something... Ooh Nong Apo.. Actually i forget to tell you something.. Actually.. You can decide either you want to be operated or give birth with normal method.. Since you are special... Actually.. Male pregnancy is really rare.. And Bible.. You are really lucky to have husband like Apo... Now he is carrying the twinnies... Having twin pregnancy is harder than having a single pregnancy... You don't have to answer now.. Take your time.. Don't forget to eat and drink properly.. And make sure to have a lot of rest at home... And lastly.. Please drink a milk and take a vitamins that i gave to you during your 1st medical check up.. Bible nod then reply.. Thank you for the advice... And also.. Thank you for staying by my husband side...Dr Mia smile then reply... Actually.. The last time i came here.. Apo look really sad.. Cry in silence... Because he keeps remembering you... But now.. You are here with Apo... Now you much Apo and the babies really need you here... Apo smile then say.. We are fine now...don't worry about us ok... Dr Mia nod and get up.. Well i still have a lot of work to do at the hospital... If anything happens.. Please let me know ok... Bible nod then reply.. Ok.. Thank you so much Dr Mia..Apo who is about to get up.. Got stop by his husband... No baby... Say Bible and help Apo to sit down back on the sofa.. You stay here.. Let me send Dr Mia... Apo just smile and nod... After Dr Mia leave... Bible help to prepare the food for his beloved husband since Apo belly is getting bigger.. Its hard for Apo to move around... Bible then join Apo at the living room start to feed Apo... Apo just chuckle by looking at his husband behavior then reply.. Im not a baby... Bible then reply.. But you are my big baby... Bible then continue to feed Apo until finish...

A few minutes later...
Barcode and Jeff visit Bible and Apo follow by P thong and Build along with p pond... Bibe ask them to come in...all of them slowly hug Apo... Bible then notice they come with some presents... Well we have another presents here.. *say Bible who is about to laugh... Apo shake his head and look at them.. Then say... You guys no need to burden yourself like this... Bible hug Apo shoulder and rub it slowly then reply... Thank you for the presents... We truly appreciate it na krub... P pond then reply... You guys will have a long break... Don't worry about others... Just think about the babies... We can't wait to see them soon... Say P pond excitedly.. Build then touch Apo belly slowly and hug Apo too.. I can't believe it.. You gonna be a mother.. Even you are a man.. Everyone just chuckle by hearing those words from Build.. Barcode put the fruits on the table and kiss Apo belly....i also can't wait to see you both... Jeff then reply.. Count me in.. Say Jeff with a smile on his face... 10 minutes later... They ask a permission to leave first and let Bible and Apo to rest...

At night.. (In BibleApo room)

Apo stand at the balcony while rubbing his hand on the belly...Bible stands in front of him and kiss his husband belly and hug Apo slowly... Apo then reply.... My husband... Apo call his husband slowly and look at Bible... Bible then answer.. Yes sweetheart....Apo take a deep breath and ask Bible... What if i can't make it? I mean... What if i die? Im afraid baby... Apo say while look at his husband... Bible suddenly feel a bit mad... Speak with a stern voice... You gonna make it... If i can make it.. You also can make it... Don't give an excuse.. Apo then reply... Im afraid that i can't make it... If anything happen yo me..please... Bible suddenly yell in anger.. Enough!! Apo who is suddenly feel shock with Bible behaviour.. walk backwards and tears starts to falling down on his face as Apo call his husband... Bible...say Apo as he try to touch Bible... Bible push his husband hands roughly.. Don't touch me! What do you expect huh?! You really want to leave me alone like i did?! I feel tired these days! I Take care of you and our babies day and night! Now you say like this! Listen here Apo Nattawin... One more time if i hear this kind of words from you... I don't want to talk to you anymore... Now.. Go to sleep and don't disturb me! Bible go straight to the bed and sleep... Didn't realize that he already make his angel cry like crazy... Apo cry in silence and go to the bed and try to sleep... 10 minutes later.. Apo is still not be able to sleep.. get up slowly and stroke Bible face softly.. then realize his cheek suddenly wet again... Apo then cover his beloved husband with the blanket and get up from the bed .. Decide to stay outside at the balcony...Apo cry even harder as he speaks with his babies... My dear babies.... Please forgive mommy ok... Apo say while crying... Apo hands starts to rub the belly and suddenly feel a strong kick from the inside... Shh... Babies... Please don't be mad at daddy... Daddy worked hard to take care all of us... Please dont... Ouch my babies... Please tell mommy... What should mommy do... So that daddy can forgive mommy again... Bible who already wake up since just now... Just standing behind the sliding door... About to cry as he listen to everything that his husband say.. Apo then continue to speak... Mommy really love daddy so much... Bible... You are everything to me... You always be there for me... You never give up on me.. Not even a bit... Im sorry for being too late.. To realize about my feelings back then... Apo wipe his tears... Theres no me without you my husband... I promise... I will make it.. I will return to you just like you did... Apo cover his mouth and cry hard.... Bible go to his husband and hug him tight from behind... My love.. Im so sorry.. Say Bible.. No.. Say Apo again.. Im the one who make you like this... Please forgive me.... Apo cry again and hide his face to Bible chest... Bible shake his head and kiss Apo forehead for a long time and press their foreheads together... I love you so much.. Please don't leave me... I can't live without you...i don't want to lose you either... Bible rub Apo belly and now is Bible turn to feel a strong kick from the inside of his husband belly... Apo put his hand onto Bible hands and ask Bible... Can you feel that honey? Our babies are really active... Ssh... Babies... Apo feel a sharp pain and try to breath normally... Bible starts to feel worry.. Continue rubbing Apo belly... Bible kiss Apo forehead and lips and stroke Apo cheek...then reply... Lets go inside.. Say Bible while take Apo to go inside and help Apo to sit on the sofa... Bible join Apo and continue to rub Apo belly ... Apo then say.. I choose normal birth delivery... I didn't like you to see me in pain...But I want you to accompany me.. Bible put Apo head on his chest and kiss Apo.... Apo then say..... Bible... Im hungry.. our babies are hungry too.. Bible look at the clock and rub his husband shoulder... Its already 1 am baby....Apo feel a sharp pain again try to calm himself... Bible go to the kitchen and make a milk and give it to Apo... Apo then drink a milk slowly while Bible keep rubbing Apo belly and touch it and again.. Bible feel the strong kick from inside.. Apo then say... Mommy know.. You both really love daddy so much... Bible press their foreheads together and reply.. Our babies really love us.. Apo stroke Bible cheek while look at him.. Bible chuckle as he see Apo mouth is messy because of the milk.. Bible then clean Apo mouth and slowly push Apo to lying down on the sofa.. Apo hug his husband neck and kiss Bible forehead.. Bible kiss Apo neck and chest and play with Apo nipple and make his beloved husband moan... Apo stroke Bible head and start to play with Bible junior too.. Bible moan slowly and Bible start to stroke Apo junior as well... Both of them chuckle and kiss each other deeply.. Bible then reply... You and our babies are everything to me.. Apo once again kiss Bible lips and reply.. I can't live without you either... Bible smile and help Apo to get up.. A few minutes later... Bible take Apo to the room and sleep..

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