Chapter 23

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Next morning...
Jeff and Barcode decide to visit Apo and Bible at their condo.. Meanwhile Bible prepare the food... Suddenly there's a door bell rings.. Bible go to the door and open it...welcome Jeff and Barcode to come in.. Barcode notice Apo isn't not with Bible then ask Bible.. P.. Where is your husband... Bible then answer.. I think he is taking the shower...
(In the bathroom)...
Apo who is just done shower... Get dress and slowly go to stand in front of the mirror and see his face is turning pale... Its hurts... Say Apo while try to hold onto the sink... Ssh.. Babies... Apo rub his belly and go out from the bathroom and sit on the bed slowly... Barcode suddenly feel worry.. Get up and go to check on Apo... Barcode then sit beside Apo and look at Apo with worry in his eyes.... Slowly.. Barcode touch Apo belly... P Po... Are you ok.. Godness.. You look so pale.. And you are sweating... Apo feel a sharp pain again and starts to cry in pain... Barcode... Please.. Help... Its really hurts.... Please call Bible na.... Apo try to get up but got stop by Barcode... Its ok P Po.. Calm down first.. Take a deep breath na... Barcode who is about to call Bible.. Suddenly see Bible walk towards his husband... Love... I think its time.. Lets go.. Barcode help Apo to get up and hold Apo hands tightly and they walk out to go to the car park... Bible see Apo who is sweating... Wipe of the sweat on his husband face.. Starts to feel afraid... And say.. Love.. Please hold on ok... We are going to make it... I know you are strong baby.. Please stay with me... Apo then squeeze Bible hands and reply... Love.. Its really hurts... Barcode try to calm the babies by rub Apo belly slowly... Please hurry up Jeff! Say Bible with panic voice.. 10 minutes later... They arrive at the hospital... Dr Mia who is talking to her boyfriend suddenly rush out to Apo and others as she see them coming... Dr Mia look at Apo who is already in pain ask a few nurse to help Apo and bring him into the labour room.. Nurse help to change Apo outfit into hospital outfits.. Dr Mia then ask Apo a permission to check... Dr Mia say to Bible.... Nong.. Its time for your husband to give birth... Now you already here.. Please give Apo a full support.. Because that is what he needs right now... Understand? Bible nod then hold Apo hands tightly and stroke Apo hair gently.. Apo feel a pain even more and start to cry.. My husband.. say Apo while Apo turn his eyes to look at his beloved husband with the tears in his eyes.... If anything happen... Bible then cut Apo words... Please... Bible is about to cry as well... Dr Mia open Apo legs slowly and look at Apo with worry and say.. Apo.. Listen na... Take a lot of deep breath and start to push ok... Ready? Bible squeeze Apo hands and Apo start to take a deep breath and push slowly... Its hurts...say Apo while cry and yell Bible name.. Bible! Bible keeps encouraging his husband non stop.. Its ok baby... You doing great... Apo take a deep breath and push again and again... Dr Mia see the baby head is already coming out and say.. Good Apo.. Keep going.. I already see a baby head... Apo who started to feel weaker.. Almost close his eyes... Bible keep squeeze Apo hands and call out his husband... No! Baby.. Wake up please! Apo take a deep breath and push again and again... Dr Mia now see the baby body is coming out too... Apo... Another push.. Come on! Apo take a deep breath and push harder... And their first baby is already out... Dr Mia then say.. This one is baby boy... Bible feel tears is running down on his cheek and whisper to Apo.. Baby... Now is for our daughter... Come on.. You can do this... Dr Mia then reply.. Yes... This time you need to push harder than just now... Apo once again take a deep breath and start to push and again... Dr Mia see the 2nd baby is almost out... Bible then say.. One last push baby... Apo who already feel tired... Use his final strength and push harder... Nurse take the 2nd baby to be clean up... Dr Mia breath out with relieve.. Well done Apo... You finally can make it.. We are proud of you... Bible cry as he kiss his husband forehead for a long time and while Apo is already faint.... Bible start to feel panic as he see his husband is fainted... Dr... Please save my husband.. Bible say while crying... Dr Mia then reply... Bible.. Please calm down ok... Your husband is fine... He is fainted because he use a lot of strength and energy just now.. Don't worry about him.. He will be fine.. Once we settle with him...we will move him into a private ward... Bible bow to the Dr and say thank you... Dr Mia then reply.. Now.. Please wait outside... And don't forget to inform your friends and your parents about this happy news na krub... Dr Mia starts to settle with Apo and Bible leave the labor room and walk towards Jeff and Barcode... Jeff then hug Bible and rub his back follow with Barcode... Barcode congratulate Bible... P Bible.. Say Barcode while crying... Congrats na p... Jeff hug Barcode shoulder and say... We are so proud of you Bible.. Finally.. You already have a family with P Apo... About our friends.. Don't worry.. They will come here later.. I already informed them.. You should call your parents now... Say Jeff to Bible..

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