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' dont you dare look out your window, darling everythings on fire '

' dont you dare look out your window, darling everythings on fire '

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"HEY LOKES," SHE UTTERED, CURSING HER WORDS AS THEY FAILED HER. He looked stunned, as if he didn't understand. A part of Wanda was thrown off guard. Was this more severe than she had been told? Because the look he gave her made you think she had been half dying, even if she was.

"You- Ha, you're awake? No, you can't be awake, because I told the man, didn't I? I fucking told him, to wake me up if you STIRRED, and here you are fully conscious-"

"I told him not to, Loki. You needed the rest," she reasoned, defending the man, considering she had promised to take the blame, and honestly did deserve in it that case. Despite it, her words made no progress in wiping off that look on his face that made her want to crawl up into a ball.

"I needed the rest?" He whispered, voice gentler than she had expected it, a tinge of shock coating his words, and it dripped off them like honey, "I needed you to be okay."

Fuck. It knocked the wind out of her, especially when a soft hand came to cradle her cheek, fingers ghosting over them as if to make sure she were actually there. She knew it was selfish, of course, but she wanted so desperately to know why he cared so much? She was fine, the wound could have been so much worse.

"Wanda, you- ugh. You cannot do that to me again, okay? Never," He ordered lightly, and Wanda felt obliged to nod, as her words slipped just out of grasp once again. Despite it, his gaze remain glued onto the witch, eyes flashing across her face as he examined her, and she mustered up a verbal response.

"I won't," she whispered, a hand going up to grab his wrist, "I won't."

He smiled at her, but his heart wasn't in it, like he was somewhere else, like he was looking directly through her-

"Sorry 'bout that, its just St-"

The man came to an abrupt pause as he observed the God in front of him who cradled Wanda's face, before turning around sharply, sending a look at Sam.

"Well fuck," he cursed, raising his hands up in defeat as Loki stared daggers into him, only for Wanda to erupt in a slight giggle she failed to muffle.

"Sorry- Just," she pursed her lips, biting back a smile before continuing, "It wasn't your fault, Sam. He knows that."

Loki looked at her, betrayal written over his features before he sighed in defeat and turned to the Falcon. "She's right."

Sam let out a breath of relief, hand clutching over his chest dramatically as he slumped back in his chair, gaining an eye roll from Loki and another chuckle from Wanda. Clearly too much though, as she erupted into a coughing fit, drawing Loki towards her as he gently pat her back. As soon as it was over, she felt water being lifted to her lips as he drew shapes on her back, the soothing motion calming her instantly.

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