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' i had all and then most of you, some, and now none of you '

LOKI HAD HONESTLY NOT EXPECTED THAT WHEN HE reunited with an old friend, if she could be called that, it would spark up such a friendship

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LOKI HAD HONESTLY NOT EXPECTED THAT WHEN HE reunited with an old friend, if she could be called that, it would spark up such a friendship. But he was pleasantly surprised when it did. There was something comforting, especially considering the situations, to have someone who had drowned with you. To know you aren't completely alone, you weren't completely alone.

The remainder of the day was spent quite similarly, with her catching him up about all the shit Thanos had done in his time away, and other less heavy topics to tell stories on. He'd been away from the rest of the vast galaxy for so long, so it was a nice reminder of the life he had been absent to. Not that he missed it, because he didn't. Well, not too much anyways.

Besides, it wasn't like Loki himself didn't gain a hell ton of stories from spending time on earth, time that he didn't even expect to be there for, but didn't regret a second of. So most of the time, they'd exchange stories, him lifting the mood after she told him about Thanos' brutally with some story about Sam and Tony racing. Or a story about Steve and suppressing snickers when he told his mission speeches. For someone who despised, and was despised by the avengers for so long, he had grown to become a part of the chaotic team.

Yet, despite all of his stories, they all seemed to circulate upon one singular topic. Wanda. His Wanda. A part of him didn't realise his consistency until she'd tease him about gushing over the redhead, and he'd denied it profusely when she accused him of going soft. He wouldn't admit it if the world came down to it.

"Wait, so you and your girlfriend turned your team into babies and then looked after them, and quite clearly failed miserably because you lost them?" She asked, attempting to catch her breath after laughing so intensely at his expense. He rolled his eyes, an exasperated smile on his face.

"Okay, first of all, at the time she wasn't my girlfriend and that wasn't my team. But I mean, I guess?" He shrugged, unable to stop himself from laughing at how ridiculous it all was when put into simple terms. "She was better with them than I was though, but to be honest, she's better at a lot of things."

She raised a knowing eyebrow at him, "You sound obsessed, you realise that?" She smirked, failing to stop herself from teasing him. This Loki was not the same one from all those years ago, not the same unfeeling killer he made himself out to be, and honestly, Gamora was glad.

"I don't blame you though," she said, peaking his attention as he looked up expectantly, "She's pretty."

He raised a brow, not that he was protective or anything but-

"I'm aware," he said, before relaxing considerably, "She is."

After days of being confined to the hospital, her radius of travel being limited only to the other rooms to visit Nat (with assistance, of course), this happened to be the first night she was allowed to return to her own room. They had deemed her recovery strong enough to set her free, but Wanda wasn't feeling as great about it as she originally had.

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