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' would you let me, lead you even when you're blind, in the darkness?"

' would you let me, lead you even when you're blind, in the darkness?"

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WANDA MAXIMOFF HAD FAMILIARISED HERSELF WITH THE usual behaviours of her team. Especially during meetings. The hushed chatter, the fingers tapping consistently against the table, the twisting pens between knuckles. It was the absentminded actions which brought grounding to the team.

This time, though, it wasn't nearly the same. The air thickened as a silence threatened to suffocate her, it was uncomfortable, it wasn't them. She watched as more people poured in, including faces of agents she didn't know. She couldn't help but wonder if they really would be that helpful, sprinting in there guns ablazing while a force of the universe threatened to lure them into their imminent death. She winced at the thought, it didn't do well to dwell on these things, she noted, turning her face away.

She considered sparking up a conversation, anything to break the silence, but eventually decided against it. The mood didn't need to be lightened this time, it was too far gone. She bit the inside of her cheek, eyes flicking across the room. They all seemed tense, the tense she was so familiar with. The tense that people would react with whenever red light emitted from her fingers. Fear. They were afraid.

Clint leaned back in his chair, one of the only movements in a seemingly still room, and met her eye. She flushed, being caught staring was incredibly far up on the list of embarrassing things to avoid. It wasn't like she'd meant to stare, anyway. Or maybe she was overthinking this and he didn't care at all. Her shoulders slumped, as she brushed away her irrational thoughts, realising her worries were of trivial things, when there was clearly a much bigger problem to assess.

Her gaze fell to her lap, as she attempted to avoid repeating the situation from earlier, but she supposed they all did have bigger things to worry about. There was rare occasions where you could catch Thor, the God of Joy, if she may call him that, looking so serious. The gravity of the situation clearly took a toll on him, along with the rest of them, and she silently wondered if she was missing something in the overall situation.

The door clicked open, and she looked up to find Fury entering, announcing his arrival with the slam of the door. She suppressed a flinch at the motion, eyes snapping up to the man. Instinctively, she averted her gaze to the person sat beside her, or who was supposed to be sat beside her, apparently.

"Where's Loki?" She asked, shattering the silence as she felt her insides cringe at the way all eyes averted to her. Well, she thought wryly, so much for not being the one to break the silence. Despite it, she wouldn't allow herself to cower under their gazes, eyes glued to the directors face. Although, she wasn't exactly sure why he would know, anyways.

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