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' your beauty never ever scared me, mary on a, mary on a cross '

' your beauty never ever scared me, mary on a, mary on a cross '

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MEMORIES, AS FAR AS LOKI LAUFEYSON WAS CONCERNED, were bittersweet parts of life. To live is to create memories, some to cherish, and some to lock away in a little box and seal it away for eternity. But gradually, the little box will damage, with people, places, things indenting it, knocking on it. Eventually, the cracks they leave will connect, a last shove sending the whole box into nothing but broken shards, its protection on the memories forever lost.

Loki Laufeyson had a box. In fact, he had many. His mind chose to shield away the world at any given purpose, tucking the memories away in neatly organised boxes and tucking them into corners of his mind. But within it belonged one particular glimmering box, one that had been cracked one time too many, one box on the brink of destruction.

And now? Seeing such a large fragment of the memories shoved in the box, it overflowed. The box shattered. And Loki was left to thrive in the sea of memories it released, head floating barely above the waves threatening to crash into him, letting him sink away.

Gamora. Thanos' pride and joy. His daughter. His child in ways the rest of his followers were not. The woman which brewed jealousy in all their souls, but not Loki's. No, in him, she brewed pity, pity for someone who dealed with a monster much longer than the rest of them.

But some part of him was relieved to see her, alive and breathing. Maybe not doing so well, but alive nonetheless.

And so he couldn't help it when her name fell from his lips in a startled gasp, "Gamora?"

Her head snapped around at the sound, and he was pretty sure she peered into his soul.

"Laufeyson? I-" She scoffed, something resembling a smile playing at the corner of her lips as she tried to push it away, "I thought you died when he sent you away."

"I don't feel very dead." He deadpanned.

"Okayy, you guys wanna explain orr.."

Suddenly, Gamora's face grew ashen once again, the wave of realisation crashing into her as she turned to look at the billionaire who had spoken up.

"Um," she fiddled with the sleeves of the coat that Wong had lended to her before continuing, "My father.. he kept in servants, if you can call them that. He would control them, make them do his dirty work and.. I met most of them. Including Loki."

He sucked in a breath through his teeth, the Avengers knew that his first attack on New York was during his time being manipulated, but he hadn't shared whom was manipulating him. But the story was out now, he thought wryly, so he may as well admit it.

An unsettling silence set upon the room, and Loki almost forced himself to break the tense air.

"Why is your father doing this, Gamora?" Steve asked finally, and the green skinned woman laughed plainly, no trace of emotion in her eyes.

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