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' and another one bites the dust, its hard to lose a chosen one '

' and another one bites the dust, its hard to lose a chosen one '

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IT WAS SAFE TO SAY, the journey on the Bifrost to Knowhere was not fun. Wanda quenched a squeal as she was caught of balance, stumbling forwards along with some of the others. Gripping onto Steve's shirt, she attempted to steady herself, but only managed to stand shakily on her feet. A hand slipped into hers, pulling her upright. Loki. She leaned against the God, his other hand around her waist.

They crashed to the ground, and Wanda felt a wave of nausea raise in her at the sudden movement, and she buried her face into Loki's chest as the hand at interwined with hers lifted to cradle her head against him.

The first thing she noticed about the planet as she pulled her head away, a blush diffused over her cheeks, was that it was significantly warmer than Norway. She considered shucking off the jacket, but she decided against it after second thought.

The ground beneath them was rigid, its sharp edges curving below her boots as mountains and steep hills erupted from the floor. Kicking away a stone, she waited as the avengers attempted to regain themselves, while she herself recovered from the dizzy daze which had stunned her.

"Thor- what the fuck?" Nat cursed, a hand up at her forhead as she ran it down her face. Sending them all a sheepish look, Thor chuckled awkwardly.

"The true Asgardian experience," he justified, giving them jazz hands with a small 'Yayy' as he watched them groan. Loki stifled a laugh as Tony shot the thunder God a deathly glare.

"You okay?" He whispered, noticing the witch beside him as any trace of humour drained from his face. Nodding, she assured him she was fine, slyly interwining their fingers as she twisted the black ring on his index finger absent-mindedly.

"This is Knowhere?" Bucky questioned sceptically, spinning in a slow circle as his eagle eyes examined every inch of the place with a disgusted curl in his lip. The barren landscape stretched out for miles, dry air rushing against them as they stood there, the only beings in a seemingly lifeless place. It wasn't, though. It couldn't be.

"Shouldn't there be like.. people or- things here?" Sam asked, confusion painted over his features as he craned his neck in order to look above them, only to find the same, vast amount of nothingness as the rest of them. An endless void of nothing.

Laughing humorlessly, Gamora scoffed and threw her hands out, "Great plan you have going here- its truly going great."

Shaking his head, a confused daze fell upon Thor's face as he whipped his head around, "No, I'm sure it's here, it has to be." At his words, she felt Loki's had stiffen around hers, slender fingers gripping tighter around her own.

"It is," he stated firmly, voice not wavering, but the tension clamping his jaw in place told a different story, "It has to be."

Dread pooled in her stomach. He couldn't have gotten to it already. It was impossible, it had meant they'd failed before they'd even started. The sky rumbled, darkened grey clouds polluting a dark red sky. A scarlet sky. It was almost mesmerising, the witch hesitated to tear her eyes away from it.

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