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' my ghost, where'd you go, what happened to the soul that you used to be? '

BLARING ALARMS TORE THROUGH THE COMPOUND, and Wanda felt her hands light ablaze with scarlet wisps on instinct, as Sam ducked away to find a weapon, a gun, perhaps

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BLARING ALARMS TORE THROUGH THE COMPOUND, and Wanda felt her hands light ablaze with scarlet wisps on instinct, as Sam ducked away to find a weapon, a gun, perhaps.

Wanda set her jaw, all she had needed was one day, one day to breathe without a looming threat daunting over her head, a promise of danger. But here, she stopped herself, it was unlike a fighter to cower from a battle, to complain about a war, this was what she was born for. If HYDRA had made her for anything, it was war, it was bloodshed and collision of morals. Wanda wouldn't shy away from a battle. Not today, not ever.

The red snaked back into her wrists at the lack of imminent threat, but it remained insistent against her, a constant reminder of her own strength.

"Friday?" She called out warily, voice low as she reached out a gloved hand to flick out the lights, the room flooding into darkness. Eagle eyes scanned the room, peaking out of the door as she proceeded carefully, clutching her hands at her sides. "Friday?"

"The compounds been breached, Miss Maximoff," the AI called out, almost stoically, and Wanda cursed under her breath. It was eerily quiet, no trace of distress or struggle, which was odd considering the circumstances.

She crept through a corridor, shoulder brushing the wall as her hands shone a dim hue of red. The sound of floorboards creaking prompted her to snap her head around, hands already lifting to slam back the intruder.

A hex of scarlet energy tore through the air, colliding with a body as they exhaled a choked sound before thumping against the wall. Before she could scramble after it to investigate, she heard hurried footsteps ushering behind her. Cursing, she emitted a stronger energy from her hands, her disguise clearly destroyed as she marched towards the noise.

As she strode down the hallway, however, the noise seemed to become more and more distant, and after a short while, she halted in her tracks. Slowly, she twisted on her heel, walking slowly in the other direction, but still, the noise persisted to fade away.

Gradually, the voices and idle noise began to become distorted, voices slurred and far too deep to be of human sound. Nonetheless, she hurried along after it, but stopping every time the noise became too much for her eardrums.

Groaning, she felt her knees weaken as she fell slightly off balance, gloved hand grasping at the walls as she shut her eyes. Too loud. She felt nauseous, overwhelmed. What was this?

As she pried her eyes open, the last remaining sound she could hear apart from a high pitched ringing in her ears was the sound of her own shallow breathing, mouth dry as she struggled for breath. Through blurred vision, she managed to make out a device sticking out from the vents, something clearly not asked of by Friday who had been breached.

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