The First Day

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The First day
Its around 6am, Y/N is sound asleep in his bed, Peter is frantically running around getting ready when he realises his best friend isn't awake yet. He storms into Y/N's room and tries to wake him up.


"AHH WHAT THE FUCK PETER!!" Y/N wakes up in a matter of seconds, scared.

"Get up you're gonna be late when I'm gonna leave you to walk by yourself." Peter exclaims.

The shock on Y/N's face makes him run out of bed and starts rushing to get ready as Peter starts chuckling quietly in the corner while eating his Reeses Puffs cereal.

"Stop laughing at me Pete!" Y/N talks back to Peter while he's still trying to get ready

"Its not my fault you are Sleeping Beauty." Peter says back to Y/N with his tongue poking out.

"You little bi-" Y/N says before getting cut off by Peter

"Keep talking and you will be more late on your first day back." Peter says while cutting him off and has a grin on his face.

Y/N finally gets ready and they both walk out the door with a few minutes left to spare. While they are walking they meet up with Ned.

"Hey sup Ned!" Both Y/N and Peter say at the same time.

"Hey guys!" Ned says back to them.

After they meet up with Ned they get closer to the school, they all get really excited until, Flash the "bully" drives slowly past the trio.

"Sup Penis Parker.. and Y/N.." Flash says ignoring the fact that Ned is there.

After that he drives past.

He is such a fucking weirdo why does he think that, that can actually be bullying, honestly I don't know why he tries bullying us. (italics are thoughts)

After that interaction with Flash they all get inside going to their lockers to get their books and stuff ready.

"Hey guys, what do you think our teacher is gonna be like?" Peter asks Y/N and Ned.

"Shut up Peter you are such a nerd." Y/N says back not caring about what the teacher is gonna be like.
"As long as the teacher is actually a teacher and not some weirdo I don't really give a fuck on who's our teacher Pete." Y/N says after calling Peter a nerd.

Peter gives Y/N a look and Y/N looks back to him with a cheeky grin, Ned just look at the two with a half smile and keeps getting his stuff ready.

After a while its finally time for class, the trio walks away in absolute style with everyone looking at them. They walk in the class and see a 5'5" woman with long silky red hair, she turns around and tells the class to sit down where ever they want.

"Woah thats our new teacher?" Ned whispers to the other two and they silently laugh.

"Hi students, My name is Mrs. Romanoff, there will be no talking while I teach, if you guys do end up talking there will be a consequence to your actions." Mrs Romanoff fills in all the details about whats going to happen in class.

After Mrs. Romanoff explains her rules, all the students nod at her and were all quiet, until Peter just had to talk to his best friend Y/N about something nerd-like behaviour.

"Psst, Y/N, this class is talking about how dinosaurs are scientifically a myth." Peter whispers to Y/N.

Y/N looks over at Peter catching his attention and shoves him telling him to be quiet, when Mrs. Romanoff hears and catches Y/N in the act and suddenly stops teacher the lesson and says.

"Mr. L/N, keep your dork friend quiet and pay attention to my class, do this one more time and you will see me after class." Mrs. Romanoff states.

Y/N nods quickly and looks over at Peter giving him a pissed off expression, MJ and Ned over hear this and look over at the two and start silently laughing with each other over the two bozos.

Seeing as Y/N was on his "first" warning MJ and Ned took the opportunity to get him into more trouble with the help of Peter, they discussed this quietly without getting the attention of both Mrs. Romanoff and Y/N as Y/N is admiring Mrs. Romanoff teaching.

"ok so I'll start talking and get both their attention, blame it on Y/N and get him a detention with Mrs?" Peter asks really quietly, both Ned and MJ nod slightly to tell Peter that's how the plan will go.

5 minutes later after Peter finally plucks up the courage to talk.

"Pssst, Y/N.." Peter tries getting Y/N's attention.

Hmmm, I wonder how long until class is over.

Peter nudges Y/N as Y/N is clearly daydreaming, Y/N finally looks over at Peter and raises and eyebrow letting him know he can talk.

"I still think dinosaurs are real Y/N." Peter says out loud making it seem Y/N was talking to him first, making Y/N wide his eyes in pure shock as he hears Mrs. Romanoff walking up towards them.

Y/N sighs as he accepts his doom, MJ starts her part of the plan.

"Hey L/N keep your dork friend quiet or else.." MJ says with a smirk.

"Shes right L/N, stop making your dork friend talk to you while I'm teaching. Seeing as this is the second time you have interrupted my teaching, you will get a detention, stay after class." Mrs. Romanoff says with a glare in her eye and walks back to where she was, all the students in the class are stitching them up saying "Ooooohh, L/N's in trouublee" as Y/N just shakes it off, rolls his eyes and shoves Peter a little bit as he is annoyed that the first day back he gets a detention.

Let me know how you guys feel about this story!!
See you guys on the next chapter!!

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