Back to school

978 19 0

Y/N's POV:
After staying at Nat's for a while and sleeping in with her, we decide it's time to go back to school or else everyone will be fucking worried, so I got into Nat's car and she drove us to school, we have a quick kiss before exiting out of the car, we walk together and I walk her to the staffroom to get her ready for the day, we talk and talk before a teacher comes into the staffroom.

"What are you doing in here Mr. L/N?" The teacher says.

"Oh uh.. I'm here because Miss asked me to help her out with grabbing her stuff, because its heavy." I say nervously as Nat plops a massive box in my arms.

"Yup! no need to worry about this." Nat says back reassuring what I said and grabbed a smaller box for herself. "Come on Y/N we need to take these."

And then we walk out the staffroom giggling over what just happened, then we put the boxes out to the bin, they were empty. Then we walked back while holding hands as nobody was outside, then we walked inside so we stopped holding hands, we were le sad about that too.

We get into her class and set everything up, she gives me extra work to help me graduate faster, then the bell rings so it's time for class so I sit down and wait for the rest of the class while doodling as I was bored.

After class I had maths, for fuck sake bruh maths sucks. No wonder I stayed over at Nat's getting hugs instead OF MATHS. I get it over and done with and immediately run to Peter and his friends, I wave over at Ned as he was busy with his own thing, then I sit next to Peter who was sitting next to MJ, gross.

They fill me in with what happened the past day or so and MJ moved further away from me as my excuse was I was sick.

Then I talk to Peter and ask how Aunt May is, I then tell him I may be staying over at Nat's longer.

I then bolt over to Nat's class and tell her aswell that I'm gonna stay over more at her house as it's calmer over there and that she cooks decently, I still do the cooking either way but still, plus I wont have to hear Peter and MJ if shes over.

Nat nods and then I sit down as I kind of bolted over, I pull my basket ball out and bounce it around and nat swings her leg and kicks the ball outta my hand and sits on my lap.

"Wow." I say mesmerised, then holds onto Nat's waist for support, she wraps her arms around my neck and we make out a little, she then whispers in my ear "no bouncing balls in my class Y/N." I put my head onto her neck and kiss her to shut her up, she shut up instantly and played with my hair with one hand and the other is on my shoulder.

"Baby, class is about to start, I gotta go." I say sadly as I don't want to leave in the first place.

She kisses me on the lips to shut me up, I kiss her back and pull her closer as I have some time left I guess.

"Baby you should go now, I have to get ready for my next class and you have to go to your own class." I nod and she kisses me one more time and lifts herself off of me, and then she grabs my hand and lifts me up and then she hugs me and digs her head into my chest and whispers "Bye baby I love you." she then kisses my cheek while on her tippy toes.

"I love you too baby I'll see you at lunch." I kiss her ONE more time and then I grab my bag and walk to the door and wave to her with a goofy smile seeing as those were our first "I love you" so I'm starstruck.

I shut the door on my way out and start smiling all the way into the class, Peter noticed but didn't ask any questions.

All throughout the class I was thinking about Nat so much, too much to the point time went so fast and it was already lunch so I walked out the door and walked over to Nat's class room.

"Hello cowboy." Nat says with a smirk when I opened the door.

"Hey babe!" I say walking up to her and then pulls up a chair giving her a kiss on the lips.

"So did you think about what happened?" She says with a smirk.

"Yes I did, thought really REALLY hard about it." I say back with a smirk.

"Okay then tell me, what did you learn?"

"No bouncing balls in your classroom, and no balls in the class in general." I say with another smirk, leaning closer to her.

"We also both said I love you so what does that tell you Nat?"

She blushes really hard and stutters out "I- Uhh.. that we both love each other and we said it to each other in school."

"Ding ding ding!" I say getting closer to her, kissing her on the lips, she kisses back as well.

"I missed you while I was teaching another class, how about we go home early and we do some things?" Nat says while she locks eyes with me more than ever.

"Hmmmmmmmm, I think we should." I stand up from the chair I grab and then I pull her out of her desk chair and swing her around making her closer to me, she puts her hands on my upper chest and kisses me deeply on the lips, me giving the same vibe back she mumbles "Come on lets go babe."

So then we walk out of her classroom and get to her car, as we are driving back to her house I put my hand on her thigh, she smiles at me and then keeps her focus back onto the road.

We get inside and I throw my bag onto the ground and pull Nat into a passionate kiss, then things lead onto amongst another things.
And thats it for this chapter, do you think Y/N is officially a man now?

They also said "I love you" (did not plan for that to happen by the way)

Come back for the next chapter that should hopefully come out soon!

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