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Y/N's Pov:
It's the next day, I'm cuddling with Nat in my bed until Aunt May called us down for breakfast, which thank god I finally don't have to cook breakfast for once in my life.

Nat and I go down to the dining table, we see Peter and greet him good morning, then we eat Aunt May's classic breakfast she would always make us when Pete and I were younger.

Then Nat and I go out by ourselves masking it as a date, but in reality we were going to get a present for Aunt May seeing as she was working overseas for a while.

We get Aunt May her favourite cake that she would buy for us as a treat and then we go and get some ice cream together and hang out at the park.

Then it was time to go back home to surprise Aunt May, we notify Peter we are coming back home and to prepare Aunt May, we get back home and we open the door and say surprise and pull out the cake, Aunt May widens her eyes and gives us all a hug.

We ate the cake all together bonding again until Aunt May says something.

"So.. I've decided to stay here and work at F.E.A.S.T so I can be closer to you two boys." As she says that Peter and I widen our eyes and scream what in unison.

"Yeah, I decided to stay here because I missed seeing family." She says with a smile, we all smile back, including Nat.

Time skip (Y/N's POV:)
It's the next day, I have school, Nat stayed the night again so we are both going to school together in her car.

We go inside her classroom and I help her set up like a good boyfriend would do. We then help me study for my exams and stuff as it is coming up, glad to be dating a smart teacher like her.

I then go to my other classes then it is Nat's class, I'm like the only other guy apart from Peter and Ned who doesn't just look at Nat and don't work, I just want to graduate school and get over with it to live with Nat.

While we are in the class, Flash comes into the classroom late, Nat obviously hating him ever since he bashed me up, she sent him to the front so she can monitor him, he still also owes a weeks worth of a detention, speaking of detention, after getting into a relationship with Nat I didn't really have any detentions, only if I'm like actually mucking up in class.

The class finally ends so I go up to Nat and we study some more, Nat also wants me to graduate quick, glad we are on the same page. Nat then notifies me that Flash has his detention with the principal and her watching over him, I nod and kiss her goodbye and then I hang out with Peter and MJ, Ned is over at the cafeteria getting more food.

"Soo what are you two? I mean Nat and you." MJ asks as she isn't in the loop.

I go over closer to her and whisper.

"Oh we are dating, but don't talk about it to anyone except for me, Nat, Pete and Ned." I whisper, she nods and promises me she won't tell anyone.

After we talk all about that Flash comes into the Cafeteria and stands up on one of the tables.

"Professor Romanoff is helping Y/N L/N in his assignments and exams so he can graduate quicker!!" he announces, I put my head down in defeat and message Nat asking what the hell is going on, she tells me to meet her at the staffroom and to not interact with Flash at all.

I get out of my seat and tell Peter and MJ that I'll be back, so then I run over to the staffroom where I would normally talk to Bucky but he isn't here anymore, I see Nat and run over to her.

"What the hell happened in his detention?!" I ask worried.

"I may have told him to do better like you.." She says with a frown.

"What did he say to you Nat."

"He kept staring at me and making comments about my body and how you suck, I got heated in the moment okay." She says that and I feel bad for her so I give her a hug.

"It's okay Nat, I would do way worse to him but I don't want to get suspended any time soon." I tell her while rubbing her back.

"I'm just so sorry I blurted out about all that."

"As I said before Nat, it's okay I don't care about that, I care about if you are ok." She hugs me tighter.

"I'm so glad I have someone like you Y/N." she says while holding my neck.

"Well I'm glad I have someone as smart and pretty as you Nat." I say back to her and we then kiss, but then we realise that this is a staffroom so we stop and go back to hugging for a while, and then I had to go to my last class.

I leave by giving her a quick kiss and then I go to my last class.

Flash is in my last class so I message Nat that, she didn't sound too happy when I told her that, but the teacher separates me and Flash, thank god.

Class finally ends and so I hang out with Nat, we go out for dinner and then we go back to Aunt May's house and help her fully settle in again, with the help of Peter.

Flash's POV:
I swear something is going on with Y/N and Professor Romanoff, I need to expose them to keep up my reputation.

Third POV:
While Y/N and Nat are cuddling together in bed while watching their favourite shows together, Flash is plotting something.
And that is another chapter doneee lets gooo!

cya next chapter!

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