The next day

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Natasha's POV:
After the two boys left I went inside my house, grabbed a bottle of wine, plopped onto my bed, had a quick drink, thought about Y/N and finally went to sleep.

The Next Day
I get ready for work while thinking about Y/N, and then I leave my house. I finally arrive at school, trying to shake the thoughts of Y/N out of my head, he intrigues me so much, but I just don't know why. I then got set up for classes and waited for school to start.

Y/N's POV:
I wake up on time for once in my life, I take a shower and gets dressed, then I wait for Peter to wake up, he finally wakes up then we have some small talk, then we both leave the house and get to school, while we are walking though, for some reason, I still keep thinking about Natasha.

Third POV:
Class finally starts, Y/N, Peter, Ned and MJ are all talking in a group discussion for the topic as Natasha allowed them to talk ay a certain level, Natasha keeps staring at Y/N and he catches her look at him, he smirks back at her every time he catches her staring at him, after group discussions were over they went back to being quiet, Y/N is semi focused on the work but is also more interested in looking at Natasha, she catches it sometimes and smirks, then calls his name out to answer a question to see if he was focusing on the classwork or just her, he noticed this after everyone started giggling every time he got his name called, he smirked back and always replied with the correct answer, making everyone shocked, Natasha then gave everyone a worksheet to work on and walked around the classroom to see how they are doing.

She walks around multiple tables, and then finally makes her way over to Y/N's table, she bends down a bit and asks if he's been doing the work, he obviously says yes and shows her proof.

"Good job Y/N" She says, she then whispers. "You know, you are such a good boy, I'm proud Y/N." his face goes red and whispers back. "Not right now Nat." She nods her head and walks back to her desk, she tells the students they have 5 more minutes left of working on that sheet until they answer all the questions together.

5 Minutes before the lesson ends.
"Alright guys, you can start to pack up, we've got 5 minutes left of this class."

everyone starts packing their stuff up to get ready
to leave, until Natasha says something.
"Oh and can Y/N stay after class please." Y/N nods his head when everyone catches that and says Oooh to stur him up, Natasha smirks at her mischievous plan.

After class ends.
Y/N waits for everyone to leave, he says bye to his mates and they all say good luck to him, Natasha is waiting for them all to go so she can have the chance to talk to Y/N. Everyone finally leaves so Y/N goes over to her.

"So, what do I owe the pleasure of staying behind class, again?" He asks with an innocent smile.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know some things, majority is about Flash and stuff." He nods his head and grabs a chair to sit.

"Alright so, Flash has been awarded detention for bashing you up, for no reason, I wanted to tell you first so you know why your detentions will have someone in there with you."

"Wait wait wait, I still have detentions?!" He asks concerned.

"Well uh I kinda just wanted to hang out with you so that would be an excuse?" She says with a smile, he starts laughing and she looked confused. "Whats, whats so funny about me wanting to hang out with you?"

"Well maybe it's because you are a teacher and I'm a student, wouldn't that be weird?"

"I thought about that a lot, but I couldn't care less, Y/N I've been thinking about you ever since you called me my name like I would do when you got into "trouble" so even I'm not sure anymore."

"Not going to lie to you Nat, I've also been thinking about you, I just didn't want to say anything before you did, say, lets go out on the weekend or after school for a coffee or something to actually hang out instead of sneaking around by me getting into "trouble" maybe then I will be able to know more about you?"

"Hmm, that does sound good, and then after that we can go to mine and watch a movie or something?"

"Sounds like a plan Nat. So when is my next detention?" He smirks and she smirks back.

"Wellll, I'd say about now." His eyes widen.

"What! Hey, not fair!!" He starts sulking and she starts laughing.

"Sucks to suck Y/N, anyways Flash should be here any minute to one, apologise to you. Two, do actual detention assigned to him, you are going to help clean up the room again and talk to me in the same room as Flash." Y/N's eyes roll and start to laugh, Nat joins in with the laughter, until the door knocks.

"I'll get it." Y/N says.

He walks to the door and opens it with full enthusiasm and says.

"Welcome to detention flash!!" He exclaims with a grin on his face.

"Shut up Y/N, this is all your fault." Flash says back snappy, Nat intervenes and tells Flash to sit and do his detention time by writing down the school rules and getting scolded by Nat for hitting a student, Y/N semi watches and semi cleans the room around as he got bored of being in the same room. Nat made Flash do some extra work as he has been skipping classes so Y/N had to help him out with that, none of them enjoyed sitting next to each other, but Y/N did it for Nat.

Oh my days I've finally finished this chapter, this chapter took me so long to make with lack of motivation and me being tired due to school.

Thank you to PerptualMotion- for shouting me out in your latest chapter, thank you my biggest fan LMAO, but yeah.

Also, I may not update it on sunday (AEST) because I'm going out to lunch but meh I can always just stay up late and le cry at school.

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