Just a regular day

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Y/N's POV:
I wake up after last nights plans, I turn over and notice Nat isn't in bed with me, she must've gone to have a shower or something, so then I hopped out of bed and grabbed the bag thats in my room and sling it over my shoulder, I walk downstairs and eat some simple coco pops, after eating my breakfast I put some things in my bag, then I see Nat walking downstairs.

"good morning babe." Nat says while walking closer to me throwing her arms around my neck, I slip my arms around her waist and pull her closer into a kiss.

I mumble good morning while we were kissing.

"Ew gross." Peter says walking into the room seeing us kissing.

"I agree Peter veryyyy gross." MJ says behind Peter, Nat and I stop kissing and looking over at the pair.

Nat and I look at each other quickly and smirk.

"So why are you here MJ, school starts soon." I say while hugging Nat by the side seeing as Peter and MJ just cockblocked me.

MJ starts to blush and Peter looks like he's about to faint so he runs grabs a slice of bread and drags MJ out of the house muttering a lot of words, MJ just looks down embarrassed while getting dragged by Peter. Nat and I look at each other yet again and we start to smile and then it turned into a laughing fit.

We calm down and I kiss Nat on the cheek and I whisper that I'm having a shower, Nat nods so I walk upstairs to my bathroom and I clean up myself then I get dressed and walk downstairs and grab myself and Nat a coffee as school is going to start soon.

We get into Nat's car and she drives us to school like per usual, we get out of the car and we see something that looks like a fight or something, we go to check it out, the more we got closer the more people looked at us both.

Once we got close enough we both see Amber on a table with a sign saying that Nat and I were dating and that I'm cheating answers off of Nat to graduate early, Nat and I look at each other shocked.

As Nat and I start to leave Amber notices us, she shouts and points at us.

"NAT RUN TO THE CAR!" I say bolting to the car, I look behind me and notice Nat can't run while she is in a skirt, so I run back up to her and pick her up in my arms and I start to run back to the car, Nat unlocks the car and I open her door and put her in there, I rush to the other side and hop in quickly, we start to drive passing over the speed limit x10.

"We have to head to your house they know where I live." I say looking at Nat, she nods and she pulls a u-turn and I keep an eye out to see if anyone chases us.

We finally get over to Nat's house and we run inside, we close and lock everything, then we sit on the couch, huffing and panting.

"What the fuck just happened." Nat and I say in unison.

I start to feel weaker within myself and I faint.

Nat's POV:
I look over at Y/N because he wasn't talking per usual SHIT HE FAINTED! I move closer to him, laying him down, I check him temperature and it was very high, so I get up and get an ice pack and wrap it in a cloth so Y/N won't get frost bite on his forehead, I walk back to him and put the ice pack carefully on his forehead and I get a glass of water so he can hydrate when he wakes up.

I hold his hand hoping he would wake up any sooner, how more bad can this day be.

Y/N's POV:
My eyes flutter open, I look around my surroundings, I notice Nat was holding my hand in the mean time, I squeezed my hand to let her know that I was awake, she immediately looked over at me and gave me a glass of water, I sat up and drank all the water and gave Nat a small smile.

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