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In the science labs
Peter's POV:

Ugh of course Y/N isn't here, well we all saw what happened before school started. The teacher is telling us about spiders or whatever but all I'm thinking about is the safety of Y/N and Natasha, they don't deserve this.

While I am in my daydream MJ nudges me, the teacher has been calling out my name since they showed the image of the spider, I look up at the teacher.

"Mr Parker! glad you are finally responding in this class, would you like to hold and explain this spider?"

"U-uh sure!" I say with a gulp in between.

I walk over slowly and the teacher opens the little box that the spider was in, the teacher picked it up and put the spider calmly into my hands.

"Soo uhh.. this is the Steatoda nobilis, AKA the noble false widow, as harmful as it sounds with the word widow, it is less harmful than the Black Widow."

After saying that I get a bit calmer with the spider, the teacher nods at me being correct. I then move it around until I look away FOR A SPLIT SECOND.

"Hey, Parker wheres the spider?" Flash says aloud.

"Shoot! I don't know I wasn't looking for a split second!" I say and I look around.

"I think I saw it!" MJ speaks up.

I move around and try and find this damn spider, and then I feel something bite my neck.

"SHIT SOMETHING BIT ME!" I say as I instantly put my hand on my neck to feel where the bite was.

everyone comes around me and try and find the spider, I see it in the corner of my eye, I pull it off my and drop it into the cage.

"I don't feel so great.." I say then falling to the ground fainting. (yes Peter faints and yet he gets worried when he finds out Y/N fainted)

I see Peter faint and run over to him, I lift him up and run to the sick bay.

He is whiter than a fucking ghost I swear to god.

I wait like around 20 minutes until he wakes up, he's still super pale, poor thing. I also message Ned to get his butt over here as Peter is friends with him.

Ned's POV:
I get a message from MJ, weird I don't have her number, I then walk as fast as I could without getting in trouble for running in the halls.

"I'm here what the hell happened MJ?!" I ask.

"Well I'm pretty sure the spider he was holding in class bit him."

"Far out, is he going to be ok?!"

"We aren't sure yet Ned, if he stays like this any longer he may be sent to the hospital which is hella expensive."

"Oh.. Okay." I say with a frown appearing on my face, I just want Pete to be fine.

3rd POV:
After a while Peter gets better, he goes home early and he noticed how he felt more stronger, and when he tried to open his door to his room, it was very hard for him to take his hand off, he had to throw himself off the door.

Peter, finally understands what has happened to him, so he comes up with a plan, he wants to be just like the avengers and to help people out ever since he,Y/N and Aunt May lost Uncle Ben. So then Peter went to his wardrobe and made his own prototype suit.

After Peter called Y/N, MJ and Ned both came over to check if he was alright, they then hung out for a while until MJ had to go back home as well as Ned as he looks after his Lola.

And then Peter went to sleep.

It's the next day and Y/N is first to wake up over at Nat's house, so he hops out of bed carefully to not disturb Nat, but he could tell she was already starting to wake up, so he rushed downstairs and makes his girlfriend her breakfast and brings it up to their room, by the time he got there Nat was already awake.

"Good morning baby, I made you some breakfast, it's your favourite." he says with a smile on his face.

"Why thank you babe, you are sooo kind and you are such a gentleman, I owe you one or more." She says with a little giggle and sits more upright to have her breakfast.

Y/N goes back downstairs to get his own breakfast so he and Nat can watch something on their TV in their bedroom. Y/N grabs his breakfast and walks back up and carefully puts his food and coffee on the bedside table to he can get back into bed, they then both eat their breakfast together in slight silence with B99 on.

Later on Peter finally wakes up after his long day full of spider bites and stuff, he decides that seeing as he got bit by that spider, and he has his prototype suit, so all he had to do was come up with a name, the thought about it for around 2 minutes and came up with the name Spider-Man.

Peter then starts to think he kind of has to swing around so he writes down a bunch of things until he got his answer, he was so glad he was smart and planned everything, he then decides he's gonna have to spend a lot of time in the science labs so he had to think of another plan to see if he could get Nat back into school to let him do what he has to do, without telling her why.
Heres a chapter, I may not upload as much due to the new story.

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